Monday, December 21, 2009

クリスマスの買い物 / Great places to do Christmas shopping





Christmas is truly a season for parities. It is always nice to bring a smile to your friends' faces with wonderful gifts and food. I would like to introduce my favorite spots for parties here.

Gallucci's is a high-end Italian grocery store. They import fine cheeses, salami, and proschiuto from Italy. I like this store a lot because they let you try anything in the deli glass case. So, I would never fail to find something I like. Also, their wine collection and bread are pretty good. Moreover, their olives are better than olives I've had elsewhere. Shopping at Gallucci's is always pleasant and satisfying.

Minotti's is a local chain wine store. Their wine collection is well selected and many wines are cheaper than other wine stores. This is the best wine store I found in Cleveland so far. It is worth traveling from the East Side to the West Side to get to Minotti's.

I actually had never liked any cupcakes in this country before I visited A Cookie & A Cupcake. For me, most cupcake frosting is usually unappetizing. Somehow, the apple cupcakes at A Cookie & A Cupcake looked pretty, probably because they had less frosting. I tried it. To my surprise, both the frosting and the cinnamon cream inside tasted delicate, and the cupcake itself was perfectly moist. This cupcake was one of the most decent pastries I have had in this country. I also had their New York Cheesecake. This was the best New York Cheesecake I have ever had. It was very rich in cheese flavor and exactly the cheesecake I had been looking for. What a discovery this is! I cannot believe that I found pastries this heigh in quality here in Cleveland. I would like to try some other cupcakes.

クリスマスの季節 / Merry Christmas



Winter has finally come to Cleveland. It has been very cold since the first snow. I had been dreading winter in Cleveland since I moved here, but the first snow changed my mind. Snow actually makes Cleveland look beautiful. Flakes of snow gently flutter and swirl, eventually covering the ground in the delicate white blanket. So far, winter does not look so bad.

I would like to say thank you to all the people who have visited my blog. I am doing well so far. Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 14, 2009

ボストン旅行 / A trip to Boston






この日の出来事でひとつお伝えしたいことはB & G オイスターに行ったことです。ボストンでは非常に有名なお店なのですが、印象に残るような質の料理やサービスではありませんでした。ただマサチューセッツ産の生ガキは珍しく、おいしかったです。



I had always wanted to visit Boston for quite some time. I finally made it there last month. Boston was much smaller than I expected, but it was such an elegant city. There were two things I resolved to do in Boston: find a real lobster roll, and to visit the Samuel Adams Brewery. I did both of these and also saw some other things in the city too.

Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2009
I wanted to find some really good New England clam chowder, but it didn't work out. However, I did have a beer on tap at one of the oyster bars that I thought was great. Both beer and the glass were perfectly chilled, and the brew master let me try several kinds of beer before I ordered. I was pretty happy at the Union Oyster House. Before I went back to my hotel, I stopped by the Museum of Fine Arts because it was Wednesday night, and on Wednesdays the admission is a voluntary contribution after 4 PM. Thanks to the museum, my admission was free. I wanted to see their famous Asian art collection, but most of the pieces were not on view because the museum was under construction.

Thursday, Nov. 19, 2009
I have been a big fan of Samuel Adams since I tried it for the first time at Blue Note Tokyo years ago. I finally went on a tour of their brewery. During the tour, I sampled their hops, which tasted surprisingly good. I was impressed because that means they obviously use very high quality ingredients. After the tour, I tasted freshly brewed Sam at the tasting room. It was good, but the guide had kept us too long before we sipped. That tempered my excitement.

By far the biggest highlight from my Boston trio was the superb lobster roll I had. It was the best lobster roll I have ever had. It was only about $10. I bought it at James Hook & Company. James Hook & Company is in the business of lobster wholesaling, so their lobster is fresh and inexpensive. I bought a lobster roll and a cup of squash soup in a corner of their office. Their lobster roll was filled with a large amount of lobster meat and was simply seasoned with mayo. The simplicity made it possible to taste the flavor of lobster. It was simply delicious and was hands-down the best dish I had in Boston.

Friday, Nov 20, 2009
The most notable item from this day was my visiting B & G Oysters, which is one of the most famous restaurants in Boston. Their oysters were delicious, and it was pretty unusual to taste good oysters from Massachusetts. However, my experience at B & G oysters was not satisfying. Unfortunately, both their service and food were not impressive.

Sunday, Nov 22, 2009
I had the best dim sum I have known at Hei La Moon Restaurant in China Town. While I usually find Chinese food in the States to be greasy, their food was perfect. It was also inexpensive. I liked it very much. I wish this restaurant were in Cleveland.

I went to Harvard University to go to a concert featuring Ryu Goto at night. Ryu Goto is a famous violin soloist in Japan and Europe. He gives a concert at Harvard University from time to time because he is a student there. I was actually more impressed by the guests in the hall, than by the concert this time. Many of the guests seemed to be the students at Harvard University. The energy and excitement from the young students were so palpable. It was contagious. It made me want to strive to be the person I want to be, just as they were.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

マンハッタンで過ごす26時間 / 26 hours in Manhattan


11月23日午前7時半 メガバスでボストンからニューヨークへ向かう

正午 ミッド・タウンの中華屋で昼食

Main Noodle House
住所: 1011 6th Avenue, New York, New York, 10018
電話: (212)869-1130

午後1時 アメリカ最大の日系書店 紀伊国屋書店に立ち寄る

午後2時 チェック・イン

午後3時 日本風のカフェ ザイヤ・カフェ

午後3時半 ジョー・ザ・アート・オブ・コーヒーでエスプレッソを飲む

午後4時 ロウアー・イースト・サイドと中華街を散策

午後5時半 ニューヨーク一のハンバーガーをシェイク・シャックで食べる

午後7時 リンカーン・センターでオペラを観劇

11月24日 午前8時 ブルックリンよりブルックリン・ブリッジを渡る

午前9時 セックス・アンド・ザ・シティーで有名なシティー・ベーカリーに行く

午前10時 世界一のスモーク・サーモンをバルネ・グリーングラスで食べる

午前11時 世界中の食材が揃うグルメ・スーパー ゼイバース



午後1時半 セントラル・パークを散歩

午後2時 ミッド・タウンの日本食材店 やぐらで買い出し


I have been away from my blog since I left for Boston in mid-November, but now I am back! I spent 5 days in Boston and 26 hours in Manhattan. It was quite a nice trip. I would like to tell you about my time in Manhattan first.

I did not have much time, this trip was more like a whirlwind of NYC. Here is what I did in 26 hours.

Nov. 23rd, 7:30 AM: I left Boston on Megabus from Back Bay Station. The fare was only ten dollars for a one way trip. It was also safe and comfortable. If you reserve your spot very early in advance, you might get a big discount on your fare.

12:00 PM: Chinese lunch in Midtown
I arrived in Manhattan and went to a Chinese restaurant, which had people lined up on the street. Their food looked good, and it tasted good too. I had a bowl of noodles in soup with beef stew. Their noodles were homemade, and they tasted like homemade Udon noodles. I liked it a lot. I paid $9 including tip and tax. The restaurant information is below.

Main Noodle House
Address: 1011 6th Avenue, New York, New York, 10018
Phone: (212)869-1130

1:00 PM: Visiting Kinokuniya Book Store
Next, I went to Kinokuniya Book Store. This is the largest Japanese book store in the United States. You can find any sort of Japanese books there.

2:00 PM: Hotel check-in
I arrived at my hotel: SPACE 46. This hotel is sort of like a youth hostel owned by a Japanese. I stayed in a girls-only dormitory room. One bed for one night in Midtown was just $40 . This is quite a good deal though all the other guests seemed to be Japanese college students.

3:00 PM: Coffee time at Zaiya Cafe
I went back to the Kinokuniya Bookstore, and visited a coffee shop called Zaiya Cafe upstairs. I had a chestnut cake called "Montblanc." This kind of cake is very popular in Japan and one of my favorites. However, it is almost impossible to find chestnut cake in the States, so I was not able to resist trying it. Actually, their "Monblanc" was not the best I have had. It was a little bit disappointing.

3:30 PM: Coffee at JOE the Art of Coffee
I had a cup of espresso at JOE the Art of Coffee at Grand Central Station. Their espresso was superb. The best espresso I have ever had. This coffee shop impressed me so much that I wish I could be a regular, but I don't live in the city. JOE the Art of Coffee is another reason for me to come back and visit NYC again.

4:00 PM: Strolling around the Lower East Side and Chinatown
I walked through the Lower East Side and passed by Katz's Delicatessen, which is famous for their huge pastrami sandwiches. I was planning to eat dinner there, but I didn't. I kept on walking to Chinatown and ended up eating a Vietnamese-style french sandwich called "Banh-Mi" at a restaurant called Paris Sandwich. The New York Times featured this restaurant as the best Banh-Mi sandwich shop in Manhattan. Their sandwich was good though I couldn't compare it with other Banh-Mi sandwiches because it was the first time for me I tried it. They didn't have a restroom for customers, which was a minus.

5:30 PM: Dinner at Shake Shack in Madison Square Park
I had my second dinner at Shake Shack in Madison Square Park. Shake Shack is a famous hamburger shop owned by Danny Meyer, the owner of Gramercy Tavern. He is one of the most celebrated chefs in Manhattan. I was lucky that I was able to try it this time because it was still open and not so crowded. Shake Shack is outdoor in the Park, so it is closed in winter. The whole experience at this small hamburger shop was wonderful. My hamburger was excellent, and I enjoyed the beautiful night view of Manhattan while eating a very good hamburger with a glass of beer. Shake Shack hamburger ranked in the top five on my list. I paid just $10 for the experience.

I arrived at Lincoln Center to see "Le Nozze di Figaro" by the Metropolitan Opera. My seat was far up in the balcony, and I was told that I would only have a partial view of the stage. To my surprise, I was able to oversee almost the whole stage from my seat. It was the first time I saw a live opera, I was a little worried it would be too long, but actually time went so fast! It was really fun. I listened to the beautiful full orchestral music and watched magnificent drama. I usually like movies better than plays, but the Metropolitan Opera was such a different experience. I felt like I could really get hooked on it. I definitely would like to come back to see another opera.

Nov. 4th, 8:00 PM: Crossing Brooklyn Bridge from Brooklyn
This was the most beautiful view in New York City. I was standing within view of the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, and the Chrysler Building. The scenery reminded me of all the unforgettable experiences that I had in Manhattan. It made me nostalgic, and I cried a little bit because I strongly felt that New York City was still a very special city to me.

This bakery could be one of the best bakeries in the United States. When I had bread from City Bakery for the first time, I was amazed. Though, I thought their bread had been slightly changed this time. I might like On the Rise Artisan Breads in Cleveland more than City Bakery now. Do you think I just changed my mind because I am a Clevelander now?

10 AM: Breakfast at Barney Greengrass
Barney Greengrass is a legendary Kosher delicatessen in Manhattan. It is said that their smoked fish is the best in the world. I had a scrambled egg with side of Sturgeon and Nova Scotia Salmon, a cup of coffee, freshly squeezed orange juice, and a bagel. Smoked salmon with cream cheese on the bagel tasted absolutely delicious. Their servers are very nice and take good care of customers as if they were you friends. I am sure you will enjoy yourself and order wonderful dishes at Barney Greengrass. I paid more than $30 for breakfast, but it was well worth it.

11 AM: Shopping at Zabar's
This is my paradise, where my dream comes true. Zabar's sells just about any kind of kitchen tool, cheese, and gourmet food. I am in love with this store. I especially like their flavored coffee.

12 PM: Shopping at MoMA Store
MoMA Store is a very good design store. I love shopping here for my friends and family.

1 PM: Shopping at Rizzoli Bookstore
This is my secret hideaway in Manhattan. The building itself is beautiful, and their collection is amazing too. You will always find something interesting at Rizzoli Bookstore if you love art, design, or literature. Just being at this bookstore makes me happy.

1:30 PM: Taking a walk in Central Park
If you had never been to Central Park, you must go there because Central Park is one of the most beautiful landmarks in Manhattan. Walking through the Central Park truly makes me feel that I am in Manhattan.

2:00 PM: Shopping at Yagura: a Japanese grocery store in Midtown
Yagura is not known so much, and it is difficult to find, but if you look carefully, you will find it next to Zaiya Cafe on 41th street. Yagura is small, but you can find almost any ingredients for Japanese cooking. Yagura offers a variety of obento boxes and rice bowls. It also has a small eat-in corner in the store.

That's it!

Monday, November 9, 2009

サンドイッチのお昼 / A sandwich for lunch



It is not difficult to get a good sandwich if you don't mind spending 10 minutes for cooking. We can get pretty good ingredients here in Cleveland. I made today's sandwich from the ingredients left in my fridge.

A sandwich with an angus beef steak, arugula, red onion, Pecorino Romano, sauteed mushrooms, a slice of tomato, slices of English cucumber, Q.P. mayonnaise (it must be from Q.P. brand,) and a bagel with sesame seeds. Yum!

Friday, November 6, 2009

コーキー・アンド・レニーズ・レストラン/ Corky & Lenny's Restaurant






住所: 27091 Chagrin Boulevard, Woodmere Village, OH 44122
電話: (216) 464-3838
営業時間: 日曜日〜木曜日 午前7時 〜午後9時半, 金曜日〜土曜日 午前7時〜午後11時

Well, so I went to Corky & Lenny's Restaurant because "I was not able to cook." It was another fabulous discovery. Kosher food is pretty good in Cleveland because there is a big Jewish community here. One of the best Kosher Restaurants in this area is Corky & Lenny's restaurant.

Their food is simply good. Everything from Corky & Lenny's Restaurant is like what grandma made for you. Everything is simple, straight-forward, and wonderful. I always think that the best food we could ever get is simply cooked food made from fresh ingredients. We can get that kind of food at Corky's and Lenny's Restaurant.

I had a corned beef sandwich, a pastrami sandwich, cabbage soup, sauerkraut balls, and a piece of cheese cake at Corky's and Lenny's Restaurant. Everything I tried was terrific. It reminded me of the food that mother of my friend cooked for me. She was an excellent cook and also a heart warming woman.

Before I ate the corned beef sandwich at Corky & Lenny's Restaurant, I'd actually had a bad impression on corned beef sandwiches. When I tried a corned beef sandwich for the first time in my life at a place where "the best corned beef sandwich in DC" was supposed to be offered, I didn't get what was good about corned beef. Thanks to Corky & Lenny's Restaurant, now I know how good it is and the way it should be.

I will come back to Corky and Lenny's to taste the special homemade dishes that remind me of dearest people.

Address: 27091 Chagrin Boulevard, Woodmere Village, OH 44122
Phone: (216) 464-3838
Hours: Sunday to Thursday 7:00 am - 9:30pm, Friday to Saturday 7:00am - 11:00pm

Monday, November 2, 2009

プレスティズ・ベーカリー / Presti's Bakery





Address: 12101 Mayfield Rd, Cleveland, OH 44106
Phone: (216) 421-3060

As I mentioned before, I have been down since the last weekend. So, I had to go to some bakeries and delis because "I was not able to cook." One of them was Presti's Bakery in Little Italy. Their cakes were good.

I am pretty picky about pastries and cakes. Pastry culture is highly developed in Tokyo. My Parisian friend said that just one nice market in Tokyo equals to the sum of half the best pastry shops in Paris. The department stores in Tokyo usually have markets that have various kinds of delis and bakeries on the lower level. You know that Paris is the world-capital of pastry. According to his words, we'd better to stay in Tokyo to get decent pastries and cakes than going to Paris. Sweets in Tokyo are just fantastic.

So, I really did not expect that I would ever find even an OK cake in Cleveland because I am too demanding. Also, our preference in sweets is different from American's. For the Japanese, sweets should always be delicate and not too sweet. Hey, but I found a good one at Presti's Bakery here in Cleveland.

I tried five kinds of cookies and two kinds of cakes. Actually, cookies were not to my taste. As for cakes, I tried cheese cake and chocolate mousse. The chocolate mousse was good! Yes, it passed my test. It tasted very rich and not to sweet. Also, it had a nice smooth texture and a flavor of the fine quality of dark chocolate. I need to come back to Presti's Bakery to try other kinds of cakes. The shop has a nice eat-in space like a cafe. It is a good place to visit for a cup of coffee on a beautiful day.

Address: 12101 Mayfield Rd, Cleveland, OH 44106
Phone: (216) 421-3060

Sunday, November 1, 2009

クリーブランドのおいしいフォー屋さん/ A great place to eat pho in Cleveland



住所: 3030 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44114
電話: 216-781-7462

I have not been able to write my blog for a while because I've been down since the last weekend. I might have had a cold, but this actually turned out to be good. I found a great pho restaurant in Asian town. I needed to eat out because I was not able to cook.

I picked SUPERIOR PHO because one of my friends went to another pho restaurant and did not have a good experience. Thanks to her information, we were able to go to the right place. Pho at SUPERIOR PHO was very good! Its soup was really good, though the noodles were a little too hard for me. The soup was the best as far as I know in this country. I lived in the DC area, which has a big Vietnamese community. Even a Vietnamese mall in which all the vendors are Vietnamese exists in the DC area! However, the pho at SUPERIOR PHO was even better than the best pho in the DC area! Why? Are there many Vietnamese in Cleveland? I don't know, but SUPERIOR PHO's pho tasted very authentic. The soup was as good as the most notable Vietnamese restaurant in Tokyo called Mi-Le or the best pho restaurant in Ho Chi Minh City. (Sorry, I forgot the name of the restaurant, but I went there once.) The homemade fried spring rolls at SUPERIOR PHO were also very good. They were $3.95 for two rolls. A large bowl of pho was $7.75, and a small bowl of pho was $6.75. I actually thought that the prices were a little expensive because I have been used to inexpensive yet delicious food in Cleveland. Still, they are worth the prices. I am sure I will come back. I am very glad that I found a good place to eat pho because I am always craving for good noodles.

Address: 3030 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44114
Phone: 216-781-7462

Monday, October 26, 2009

楽しいジョギングの時間 / My enjoyable jogging time





For the past year or so, I have been jogging two or three times a week. Every time I jog, I feel so good. I feel closer to nature closer when I am jogging than I am just walking. Today, when I got out of my apartment to start jogging, I looked up the sky. It was so clear and blue. I thought the sky was like a masterpiece of James Turrell, an artist who knows how to create the breathtaking beauty of lights. Enhancing the senses is a beautiful advantage of jogging.

I have another reason to jog. I am jogging so that I can eat what I want to eat. I love food. It is impossible for me to resist food that look delicious, but at the same time, I want to stay in shape as a woman. This is a big conflict between my two desires. As long as I am jogging, I don't gain too much weight. Jogging takes time, and it is also tough to do. Nevertheless, it works out for me because I can maintain my weight while eating what I want. This is the practical advantage of jogging for me.

One more advantage of jogging is that it gives me an opportunity to communicate with my neighbors. My neighbors say hi to me and smile at me when I am jogging. It makes me feel very happy, and I feel that this is my neighborhood.

I keep jogging for these reasons.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

イケアに行く / Visiting IKEA






I went to IKEA to buy a dining table today. There is no IKEA in Cleveland. Therefore, we had to drive for about two hours to go to the nearest IKEA in Pittsburg. It was not a bad drive from Cleveland to Pittsburg though we had to pay tolls to take the shortest route. The tolls cost about eleven dollars for a round trip.

I loved the views from the highway on the way to Pittsburgh. The fall colors were especially beautiful this season. The landscape of endless farm lands and rolling hills touched my heart.

As soon as we got to IKEA, we started looking for the dining table that we were interested in. However, we found that there was no display of it despite the fact that I had called in advance to make sure that I could see exactly the same table. We bought the table anyway because we fortunately found a display of the table in another color and we were able to check the size.

After we purchased everything we needed, we stopped at the restaurant in the shop. I had a cheeseburger with fries. Look at the picture. It was a nice cheeseburger with a thick slice of tomato and spring mix. It was only $2.19 including fries. I thought the cost performance of this plate is unbelievably good. In addition, it tasted better than a burger at a popular eatery in my neighborhood.

We ended up having an enjoyable short trip to IKEA today as we always do. People shouldn't make fun of not having any IKEA in Cleveland because we know how to make an enjoyable trip out of it!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

美しい秋の一日 / Indian summer



It has been sunny and beautiful since the last weekend in Cleveland. I felt a sense of relief because it had been cloudy and rainy ever sine early September, and I had worried that I would never see a beautiful day again until next spring. As I walked through University Circle yesterday, I enjoyed viewing fall leaves and the tranquil sunlight. Just standing in the gorgeous colorful leaves made me feel happy and calm. This experience made me think that I was fortunate to moved to Cleveland because I could never see such astonishing natural beauty of in a bigger city.

The Indian summer days meant a lot to me. Now I know that there are beautiful days from time to time in Cleveland if I wait for a certain period of time. Knowing that fact will encourage me when a cloudy winter comes. I think I am ready for winter.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

初めての手編みのマフラー / A knitting class at Fine Points



住所: 12620 Larchmere Blvd., Cleveland OH 44120
電話: (216) 229-6644

I attended a knitting class at Fine Points on Larchmere blvd this weekend, and I successfully finished knitting a scarf for the first time in my life. As you know, almost all girls try knitting at least once in a lifetime. I was not an exception. I actually had tried to knit a scarf at least five times before I went to Fine Points, and I had never finished any of my projects. So I had given up knitting for a long time. However, moving to Cleveland made me think that I would try knitting again because winter in Cleveland is very severe, and knitting seemed to be a perfect indoor activity during winter.

There I went to Fine Points. I saw piles of beautiful yarns and knitting needles, which are carefully chosen. We would never find fine materials like these at chain stores. My instructor was nice and skilled in teaching. She advised me to purchase a thick yarn and needles, so that I could knit the first project fast. That was the key point that I successfully knitted my scarf. If a beginner uses a fine yarn and thin needles, it takes forever for him or her to finish a project. While other classmates chose thin yarns, I used a yarn as thick as my little finger. I knitted my scarf five times as fast as my classmates. I was sure that I would finish knitting the scarf for the first time in my life. Not only I learned how to choose appropriate tools, but also I learned how to connect yarns and to take care of the very end of the yarn. After I was back home, I kept knitting and made it! It was just so nice to have something made by myself, which is exactly like what I wanted. Knitting used to be some sort of pain for me, but now it is a pleasure because I know I can make something nice with beautiful yarns and needles.

Address: 12620 Larchmere Blvd., Cleveland OH 44120
Phone: (216) 229-6644

Thursday, October 15, 2009

驚くべき日本人女性 / A miracle of Japanese women



I went to a Japanese get-together yesterday and saw something amazing. That was a group of gorgeous Japanese women. It was really an eye-opening experience to me.

People in this country say that I am small and look young. In fact, I am often asked if I am a student. So I started to think that I am actually small and look young. However, by meeting those gorgeous ladies, I had to realize that it was just an illusion! Most of the ladies at the get-together seemed much younger than me. They were also very fashionable and slim. Nevertheless, they were actually as old as I am or even older than me. In addition, most of them have kids, and surprisingly some of their kids are big enough to go to elementary schools. How can it be possible? They looked like they graduated from college two or three years ago, but they actually finished college a decade ago and have such big kids. This is a miracle. I think they must have used some magic to preserve their beauty. I have to learn how to use that magic from them. I think I could be like them because I am also a Japanese woman!

Monday, October 12, 2009

クリーブランドの日本食材店 / Japanese groceries in the Cleveland area


住所: 21200 Miles Road, North Randall, OH 44128
営業時間: 月曜 - 木曜 10am - 7:30pm, 金曜 & 土曜 10am - 8pm, 日曜 10am - 7pm

住所: 1580 E 30th Street, Cleveland, OH 44114
電話: (216)781-3388



住所:1167 Old Henderson Rd Columbus, OH 43220
営業時間:月曜-土曜 10am -8pm, 日曜 12am - 8pm

There are several Asian supermarkets in Cleveland where you can buy special ingredients for Japanese cooking. Unfortunately, there are no Japanese groceries in Cleveland, which are specialized only in Japanese products. However, both Columbus and Pittsburgh, which are not so far from Cleveland, have Japanese groceries. Each of them has different types of appeal. I would like to show you how they are appealing.

CAM (Cleveland Asia Supermarket)
CAM is probably the biggest Asian supermarket in Cleveland. CAM offers products from China and Japan. You can find natto, ramen, frozen food for obento, gyoza wrappers, Asian cabbage, burdock roots, and kabucha squash at CAM. It is just 10 minutes drive from Trader Joe's in Beachwood and Miles Farmers Market in Solon. I go to CAM when I stop by these two other markets.

Address: 21200 Miles Road, North Randall, OH 44128
Hours: Monday - Thursday 10am - 7:30pm, Friday & Saturday 10am - 8pm, Sunday 10am - 7pm

Park to Shop
This is the second biggest Asian supermarket in Cleveland, and it is conveniently located in downtown Cleveland. Park to Shop offers Chinese, Vietnamese, and Japanese products. Park to Shop does not have as many Japanese products as CAM does. However, you can purchase things like natto, ramen, tofu, and fresh Asian vegetables at Park to Shop.

Address: 1580 E 30th Street, Cleveland, OH 44114

Tensuke Market is in Columbus. It takes good two hours from Cleveland to Tensuke Market. However, it is worth traveling. As far as I know, this is the best Japanese supermarket except Mitsuwa in New Jersey, which is the biggest Japanese supermarket in the U.S.A. Tensuke Market is a small version of common supermarkets in Japan. You can basically find everything you need for Japanese cooking at Tensuke Market. It offers fresh sashimi and Japanese vegetables. Surprisingly, the Japanese cucumbers I bought at Tensuke Market tasted just like cucumbers in Japan! Tensuke Market also has a variety of obento and small homemade dishes to go, which are reasonably priced and taste very good.

Next to Tensuke Market, there is a Japanese bakery called Crescent Cafe & Bakery. It offers breads such as bean paste buns, melon buns, butter rolls and Japanese-style pain de mies. Sweet buns are mostly priced between $1.1 to $2.0. A loaf of pain de mie is $2.0. The breads from Crescent Cafe & Bakery taste the same as those from a good bakery in Japan. Having Tensuke Market and Crescent Cafe & Bakery together is just so precious. I was almost going to cry for joy! I felt as if I had been in Japan when I visited Tensuke Market and Crescent Cafe & Bakery.

Address: 1167 Old Henderson Rd, Columbus, OH 4322o
Phone: (614)451-6002
Hours: Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm, Sunday 12am - 8pm

Friday, October 9, 2009

クリーブランドの本当においしいパン屋さん:On The Rise Artisan Breads : a really good bakery in Cleveland




住所: 3471 Fairmount Blvd, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
営業時間: 火曜〜金曜 7am - 6pm, 土曜 8am - 5pm, 日曜 8am to 2pm, 月曜定休

Today, I found a really good bakery in Cleveland. That is On The Rise Artisan Breads on Fairmount Blvd. I can't believe that there is a fabulous bakery like On The Rise Artisan Breads in a suburb of Cleveland. The breads from On The Rise Artisan Breads were just as great as the breads from one of the most famous bakeries in the U.S.A., such as Bouchon Bakery in New York City and Acme Bread Company in San Francisco.

On The Rise Artisan Breads mainly deal with European-style rustic hard breads and baguette. They also have other kinds of breads and pastries. I tried a rustic Italian olive roll, a baguette, a croissant with apple jam inside, and an apple tart today. I liked the baguette the best. This baguette is very special. I enjoyed every single bite of the baguette without any spreads until I finished it all. I suppose all the hard breads and baguette from On The Rise Artisan Bakery must be excellent because I believe a bakery that makes very good baguette must have a superb skill in baking and a route to obtain very fine flour. The apple tart was also marvelous. I actually have never met a tart with perfectly flaky crust and the right sweetness like this in the United States before.

This is a destiny that I stepped inside On The Rise Artisan Bakery today. How lucky I am that can get a piece of heavenly delicious bread whenever I want as far as I live in Cleveland.

Address: 3471 Fairmount Blvd, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
Hours: Tuesday to Friday 7am - 6pm, Saturday 8am - 5pm, Sunday 8am to 2pm, Closed Monday

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

ラーメンの季節 / Time for ramen







Winter has almost come and chilly winds are blowing. It is a season for ramen. Ramen is a Japanese-style noodle-in-the-soup dish. It is almost like a Hong Kong-style noodle in soup, but the ramen noodles are a little wider and they have stickier texture. Also, the soup is a little different; I think it has richer flavor. The popular flavors include salt, soy sauce, and miso. (I won't talk about "tonkotsu" now.) Ramen is just a bowl of noodles, but we Japanese just love it. On the Japanese media, it seems like a big deal to rank the best ramen shops in Tokyo.

When I was a little girl, my father often took me to one of his favorite ramen shops. I remember that I used to think, "why do you always choose a ramen shop when we eat out? There are more delicious foods in the world!" However, Father, you were right. I go to a ramen shop when I am in Manhattan, where all kinds of gourmet food gather from all over the world.

Unfortunately, there are no ramen shops in Cleveland. You can usually find ramen at Japanese restaurants, but their ramen is far from real ramen. We can always cook better ramen at home by using frozen ramen, which is available at Asian supermarkets. If you cannot find frozen ramen, I would recommend dry noodles called "中華三昧: Tyucazanmai."

It is easy to make ramen at home. You can probably find an instruction on the back of a ramen package, but this is my method: Cut whatever vegetables as you like. (I like having bean sprouts, cabbage, and carrots in ramen.) Cook vegetables in water and melt a ramen soup stock in it. (The ramen soup stock usually comes with frozen ramen.) Boil the noodles in another pan for several minutes. Drain the noodlse well and put them in the soup. Move everything in a bowl and garnish it with chopped scallion as you like. That's it!

The photograph: Miso ramen with bean sprouts, carrots, yu-choi, corn, chopped scallion, and cut cilantro.

P.S. Cilantro is not an authentic ramen garnish in Japan.

Monday, October 5, 2009

クリーブランドのおいしい中華:ワンタングルメ / A great Chinese restaurant in Cleveland: Wonton Gormet








Wonton Gourmet 惠食佳
住所: 3211 Payne Ave. Cleveland, OH 44114
電話: 216-875-7000
営業時間: 月曜日 - 日曜日 11am - 12am, 火曜日定休
価格帯:前菜 $2.50 to $6.95,  $3 to $5のものが中心
香港式汁麺 $5.25 to $6.95-
炒麺 $6.25 to $9.95
一品料理大体 $10 t0 $13 (私が覚えている限りです。うろ覚えですみません)

* ランチメニューとテイクアウトメニューもあります

I can't believe that I found another great place to eat Chinese food in Cleveland. That is Wonton Gourmet on Payne Avenue. In short, I just love this place. Ever since I visited Wonton Gourmet, I have been thinking about coming back to this small eatery over and over. I can't imagine my life in Cleveland without this restaurant anymore.

Let me explain how I like Wonton Gourmet a bit. First, the food is excellent and very authentic. The quality of the food is just the same level as a good Chinese restaurant in the neighborhood in Tokyo. Even if Wonton Gourmet were in Tokyo, I would often go there for dinner. This is not a fancy restaurant, however it offers something special for everyday and everyone.

Second, the potion is huge. One dish is enough for more than two people. Also, it comes with rice. If you ordered two dishes for two, you would get lunch for two for the next day or more in a doggy bag.

Third, the price is inexpensive. Given its potion and the quality of the food, the cost performance is unbelievable.

In detail, we ordered a bowl of shrimp dumplings with noodle in soup, a dish of pan fried egg and bitter melon, and a plate of a scallion pancake. Actually, a pancake was so so. (I mean, it was not bad though it was not outstanding.) I would skip it next time, but the other two were impressive. Those dishes caught my heart. The total was slightly over $20 including tax. Isn't it amazing? Plus, we had a doggy bag for dinner on the same day and for lunch on the next day. Surprisingly, we never felt tired of it. We were just happy to have something delicious to eat.

I can't wait to come back to Wonton Gourmet. I am very lucky that I have found a fabulous place like Wonton Gourmet so soon after I settled in Cleveland.

P.S. Wanton Gourmet is in a neighborhood where everyone might not feel comfortable. In addition to that, the building of the restaurant looks very simple and it might look a little shabby from the outside for some people. On the top of that, almost all the customers there are speaking Chinese, but don't hesitate to open the door of Wonton Gourmet even though you don't speak Chinese. That is the door to lead you to the real authentic Asian food. They kindly have English menus and the photographs of the dishes hung on the walls so that you can get a sense of the menus. Good luck and enjoy!

Wonton Gourmet 惠食佳
Address: 3211 Payne Ave. Cleveland, OH 44114
Tel: 216-875-7000
Business Hours: Monday - Sunday 11am - 12am, Closed Tuesday
Price range: appetizers from $2.50 to $6.95, mostly around $3 to $5
wontons and noodles in soup Hong Kong style from $5.25 to $6.95
fried noodles from $6.25 to $9.95
main dishes mostly from around $10 t0 $13 (as far as I can remember)

* Luncheon menus and take out menus are also available

Friday, October 2, 2009

典型的な和食メニュー / A traditional Japanese-style meal








One thing I love about living in this county is that I meet many people from all over the world. In particular, I enjoy sharing recipes of home cooking with my international friends from all the continents. When I cook together with my friends, they often ask me, "what is a typical Japanese meal?" I would like to answer it here.

A traditional Japanese meal consists of a main dish, which is usually fish, several kinds of side dishes, which are usually vegetables or tofu, miso soup and cooked rice.

Fish is usually simply grilled or simmered with "dashi," a Japanese fish broth made of water and dried bonito shavings. Vegetables are usually boiled or marinated with vinegar and soy source. We basically season things with salt, soy sauce, and "miso," fermented soy bean paste. We don't use oil, garlic, or spices for traditional Japanese food. That is the reason why people say Japanese food is healthy. We don't use much oil and we eat lots of vegetables and fish.

I sometimes wonder if traditional Japanese food is appealing to the people from other countries because the taste of traditional Japanese food is very delicate. Some people say it has no taste because the taste is too subtle for them. Some people say everything tastes the same because it is basically seasoned with soy sauce or miso.

Let me explain something for the honor of our tradition. We Japanese think that it is very important to taste its own flavors of ingredients. Therefore, we use just a little bit of seasonings. We never use too much of them. Japanese food might look just a simple dish, but a much effort is carefully made to subtly draw the natural taste of ingredients.

I confess that I have never cooked a real traditional Japanese meal for my international friends. I have been afraid that they might not like it. I usually cook a new type of Japanese food, such as Japanese-style fried chicken, potato salad, and "Okonomiyaki," a Japanese-style savory pancake. I think that they look more familiar to them. If somebody is interested in trying "the real Japanese food," just raise you hand. I am sure I can make you happy, but also I can make you regret because there are many kinds of strange food in Japan. (For one, that is natto. But, there are more.) I will talk about them another time.

The menu on the photograph (clockwise from top): Miso soup with seaweed, onion, and scallion. Kabucha squash simmered with soy sauce and dashi, grilled sword fish, cooked rice, braised Asian cabbage, fried tofu with ground Asian radish with soy sauce.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

クリーブランドのおいしい中華 麗華 / A good Chinese restaurant in Cleveland: Li Wah Restaurant







住所:2999 Payne Ave #102, Cleveland, OH 44114
営業時間:月曜〜木曜 午前十時 〜深夜 、金曜・土曜 午前十時〜午前一時、日曜 午前十時〜深夜

I found a great Chinese restaurant in Cleveland. That is Li Wah Restaurant in Asian Town. I am picky about Asian food because I am an Asian from Asia (I mean, I am not an Asian American) and I used to live in the DC area. That area has diverse ethnic communities and there are many great places to eat ethnic food. I believe the DC area is the best to eat ethnic food other than NYC and San Francisco.

Anyway, that's enough for DC. This blog is about Cleveland! I went to Li Wah Restaurant twice, once for dinner and once for dim sum lunch. Both were very good. The taste was good, the service was excellent, and the price was inexpensive.

When we were there for dinner, we ordered stir-fried rice noodle with shrimp and vegetables and sweet and sour chicken. Both were good. The potions were big and they were under ten dollars. Plus, they came with complementary soup, rice, and dessert. Can you believe? It knocked me out. I was sure I would be back, and I was back there again.

The dim sum was also wonderful. We had seven kinds of small dishes such as seamed shrimp dumplings, rice cake with Asian radish, and fried chicken feet. (Do they sound gross? But, they are delicious!) The total bill was around $20. Compared to the best dim sum spots in the DC area, this place offers the same level of food and the price is cheaper. (I tried all the best 3 dim sum restaurants in the DC area rated by ZAGAT.) Another advantage of Li Wah Restaurant is that food here is not oily, and this is very important to me.

I am glad that I have Li Wah Restairant in my town. I am sure I will come back again.

P.S. If you moved to the United States from China or Japan within the past six months, you might not be satisfied with everything at this restaurant. However, I am sure that you would start to appreciate having this eatery near you if you keep living in this country for more than six months. Good luck!

Address: 2999 Payne Ave #102, Cleveland, OH 44114
Phone: (216)696-6556
Hours: Monday - Thursday 10am - Midnight, Friday - Saturday 10am - 1am, Sunday 10am - midnight

Monday, September 28, 2009

ロックの殿堂 / The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame




When you hear the name of "Cleveland," what do you think of? Cleveland Clinic? Come on! You must be a doctor, if it is the first thing that comes to your mind. People often mention the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum when they talk about Cleveland. It is literally a museum specialized in rock 'n' roll. It is also a landmark in Cleveland designed by I. M. Pei, who is a world-famous American architect.

I am not a big fan of rock 'n' roll. I actually did not see the point of viewing exhibitions of rock because rock is to listen to, not to view. However, I unexpectedly enjoyed a visit to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum. We can see many costumes in which legendary musicians performed on the stage. I am sure you know some of them, such as collarless jackets tailored for the Beatles and the military style jackets worn by Michel Jackson. When I saw John Lennon's costume that he put on in the album jacket of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, I shouted, "this is it!" The museum has an especially good collection of the Beatles stuff. It was great to take a close look at John Lennon's drawings, letters, and some notes when he wrote lyrics.

If you are a rock fan, I definitely recommend you to stop by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum. If you are not a rock fan, but still a fan of one of the most famous musicians in history, such as Elvis Presley, the Beatles, and Michel Jackson, I am sure you will also have a memorable moment there.

Friday, September 25, 2009

私が美術を好きな理由 / The reason why I love art




Ever since my father took me to a museum in my hometown when I was 10, I love art throughout my life. Time spent in a museum is very meditating. As I walk through an exhibition and see art works, I can sometimes find pieces that strike the right chord. Those art works tell me what appeals to me, what I need, and who I am. Viewing art is like talking to myself. It is therapeutic. This is one reason, but there is another.

On a sunny day, at a contemporary art museum, I suddenly realized that I love art because art is totally useless in a sense. Art works are just pieces of trash if people do not treasure them. On the other hand, as far as I love them, there is a meaning in them, no matter how meaningless they are for others. My love turns them into something significant.

This is like accepting just the way I am. I came to the US a few years ago, and initially I didn't even know how to speak and how to behave in this country. It was like becoming a baby again. There were times I felt I was nothing but useless. All the confidence and pride I had developed through my life in Japan were gone. However, by realizing why I love art, I regained self-esteem; I was able to start feeling that I am an important person because there are people who make good friends with me. In turn, this gave me even greater love for art. This is the true reason why I love art.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

和風弁当 / a Japanese style lunch box


My friends often ask me, "what do you make for lunch?" The answer is simple. I make a Japanese style lunch box "Obento" almost everyday. Basically, it has a main dish such as meat or fish, and several kinds of side dishes such as boiled vegetables, an omelet, a salad and so on. It is like a miniature version of a full-course meal. It takes me more time than making a sandwich, but I prefer to make an "obento" box because it is much healthier than having a sandwich or a hot dog. Also, it is fun for somebody who eat it because they can enjoy a different menu everyday. Today's menu consists of boiled tender chicken breast, a macaroni & tuna salad, sauteed spinach, baby carrots, and cooked rice. Does this sound good to you?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

溶ろけるチーズのケサディーヤ / An easy, cheesy, and yummy snack: quesadilla



I love food from Latin America. Mexican, Brazilian, and Peruvian food sound always attractive to me. One of my friends from Mexico showed me how to make quesadillas. Quesadilla is a kind of hot sandwiches made with tortillas. It is unbelievably easy to make and yummy. A ham and cheese quesadilla is almost like a ham and cheese crepe, but you can enjoy the rustic corn flavor of tortillas. This is perfect for breakfast or lunch when you don't have much time to cook. I'll give you my secret recipe here.

Place two tortillas on a skillet and warm them for a while. Sprinkle some cheese over tortillas, and if you want to, put whatever you like such as boiled shredded chicken, tomatoes, or a slice of ham on a tortilla. Flip one tortilla without toppings over another. Wait till cheese has melted. It's done! Every time I make quesadillas, I thank my friend in my heart.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The West Side Market: the best market in Cleveland / ウェスト・サイド・マーケット〜クリーブランドで一番の市場〜




I love visiting markets. Whenever I travel, I never forget to visit a local market. In the market, we can figure out how much living cost is in that place, what local people eat, and who they are in general.

Cleveland has many fabulous markets such as the farmers market at Shaker Square on Saturdays and Miles Farmers Market in Solon. Every market is unique and attractive, but if I need to choose the best, I would say it is the West Side Market.

The West Side Market is one of the biggest advantages of living in Cleveland. When I visited the West Side Market for the first time, I thought that in Cleveland I would at least be able to find some good food that would make me happy. This actually convinced me to live in Cleveland because food is one of the primary things I care about. Many of the vegetables sold at the West Side Market are locally grown and very fresh, and the prices are low! (This is important, huh?) The quality of meat is excellent, and it is reasonably priced too. The market is lively and full of people of all kinds, rich or poor, foodies or not, and from the either side of the river. (As you know, for Clevelanders, it matters which side of the Cuyahoga river they live in. I will talk about it sometime later.) They come to shop here not because they have to support locally grown products and go green, but because they just love the West Side Market! When I look at people shopping at the West Side Market, I can imagine that they will enjoy wonderful dinner with their family and friends. It warms my heart. Having such dinners seems very precious to me. I feel a great love for the West Side Market and the people there.

Friday, September 18, 2009

ミッシェル・ペトルチアー二、納豆、そして男と女 / Michel Petrucciani, Natto, men and women




I am a big fan of Jazz, in particular Jazz in 60's; the golden age of jazz. I was listening to a Michel Petrucciani's CD this morning. He is a French-born piano player and was active in 80's and 90's. He is definitely the successor to the style of piano trios in 60's. His piano playing reminds me that of Bill Evance and Keith Jarrett. It sounds so beautiful, exquisite, and refined.

While I am listening to the music, I was eating Natto, a traditional Japanese dish and the most famous food in people from the other country. Some people say it smells like cheese. This is the most graceful way to express the aroma of Natto. OK, let's be honest. Some people say it smells like somebody's used socks. Natto is made of soy beans. After beans are steamed, they are fermented. It is very very sticky and gooey. You see a bunch of strings like spider webs when you mix it. Somehow, Japanese treasure this food. It is like comfort food. When I have natto over rice with miso soup for breakfast, it comforts me and reminds me of good days of my childhood. Also, it has low calories and a high quality of protein. It is very healthy.

How can I do these two thing, eating stinky natto while listening to incredibly beautiful music, at the same time? Guys know how we women are. Their observation is amazingly sharp, and it often surprises me. They know we are cleaning when we are talking on the phone. They know we secretly take off shoes when nobody is looking at. They instinctively know what this suggests when she takes too many paper napkins at a diner, no matter how nicely she is dressed. Sorry, guys. You are right. We all do something like that. Did it disappoint you?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

餃子とピエロギは親戚か? / Are gyoza and pierogi family?





My hometown, Utsunomiya is famous for Gyoza. Gyoza is a small dumpling. It has a mixture of ground pork, chopped scallion, and finely chopped napa cabbage wrapped in dough. Usually, it is fried in a skillet after it is steamed or boiled. Many people come to my hometown to taste gyoza because we Japanese love gyoza so much.

Every time I make gyoza I can't help thinking that gyoza is a relative of pierogi. Gyoza kind of things exist throughout Eurasia. Chinese dumplings (餃子, Chao-zi) in China, Mandu in Korea, Pelmeni in Russia, Ravioli in Italy, and so on. I believe all kinds of dumplings above share its roots. If anybody knows which one the original is, please let me know.

Pierogi is a famous food in Cleveland. It is a dumpling having mushed potatoes and cheese inside dough. I didn't know why people here love pierogi so until yesterday. To me, pierogi didn't look attractive because the combination of potatoes and dough seemed like eating bread with rice. However, I finally understand the real taste of pierogi. It is a delicate balance of two similar textures and rich flavors. It is almost like that of a custard torte, which also has starch in both its crust and filling.

I am so happy that I found how delicious pierogi, the famous food from my town, is.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Frozen custard

Have you ever heard of frozen custard? If you are a Clevelander, yes, you must have. Basically, it is similar to ice cream. However, it is much denser, thicker, and creamier than ice cream because it contains less air and more milk fat. Actually, frozen custard does not exist in Japan. We have something like frozen custard, but it is called "soft cream," or we don't distinguish it from ice cream.

After I came to this country, I became a fan of frozen custard because there was the Dairy Godmother, a really good frozen custard shop nearby our apartment in Alexandria. President Obama visited there with his two daughters on Farther's day. If you are in Alexandria, I highly recommend you to stop by the Dairy Godmother. They offer vanilla, chocolate, and a daily flavor of frozen custard as well as seasonal flavors of sorbet. For me, vanilla is the best. It tastes so fresh and has a rich flavor of milk.

Ever since I moved to Cleveland, my body has been thirsty for frozen custard or very fine ice cream. Here, I found one today! The place is East Coast Original Frozen Custard, which is not exactly like the Dairy Godmother, but their frozen custard is good, big, and inexpensive! The single size seemed almost like three small scoops of ice cream to me. It is only $1.95. I think it is a good deal.




Monday, September 14, 2009

Life in Cleveland

I have been here in Cleveland just for a month, but everything is great so far. People are friendly, food is delicious really. In particular, markets here are fabulous. The West Side Market is one of the very best markets in the world. (Believe me! I am from Tokyo, which has Tsukiji; the biggest fish market in the world.) At farmers markets, local farmers give us opportunities to buy their products directly. Everything is very fresh. I was amazed. Wow! Vegetables taste like vegetables here. All the products have their own flavors as they should, or more than that. I am very very happy with food here. I might not be able to leave Cleveland forever because of the food......

Well, I talked too much about food. However, food is just one part of Cleveland. Anyway, I was not able to imagine my life in Cleveland would be this nice before I came. I am excited to explore Cleveland more.

West Side Market:
Farmers Market:

