Thursday, October 20, 2011

クリーブランドに甘〜い新スポット登場/Sweets in Autumn


まずは、Cedar RdとFairmount Blvdが交わる交差点の辺りに出来た新しいカフェ、Luna Bakery Cafeです。アメリカはコーヒー・ハウス多しといえども、のんびりできるカフェを見つけるのは一苦労ですが、このLuna Bakery Cafeはヨーロッパや東京にあるのような、落ち着いた小さなカフェです。メニューはマフィンやカップ・ケーキなどのカフェの他、クレープやパニーニ、そしてパン・オ・レザンやマカロン、ケーキなど甘いものがあります。比較的種類は少ないのですが、美味しそうなものばかりで目移りしてしまう程です。迷った挙げ句、今回はパン・オ・レザン、マカロン、モーニング・グローリーというキャロット・ケーキの親戚のようなものを選びました。パン・オ・レザンはクロワッサン生地では無く、普通のパン生地を使っており、カスタード・クリームとレーズンがパンの間にたっぷり挟みこんであります。ちょっと甘いのですが、昨年ベルサイユに行った時に市場の近くにあったパン屋さんのパン・オ・レザンに似ていたので、案外気に入ってしまいました。そしてお供はエスプレッソ。これもフランスさながらの味で、深みがありながら、後味がすっきりとしていました。そして、マカロンもよくあるアメリカのココナッツのマカロンではなく、フレンチ・スタイルのマカロンで、上品なお味。マカロンが美味しいお店を探すのは至難なので、クリーブランドにマカロンが楽しめるお店が出来て嬉しいです。そして、もう一つ試したモーニーング・グローリーは人参、ズッキーニ、レーズン、クルミなどを全粒粉を使った生地に焼き込んだパンとケーキの間のようなもので、コーヒーとの一緒に美味しく頂きました。まさに朝ご飯にぴったりの焼き菓子だと思います。また、チョコレート・チップ・クッキーも試食したのですが、外側はカリッと、中はしっとりとしたアメリカン・スタイルのクッキーでとても上手に焼けていました。


ちなみにパン・オ・レザンは2.35ドル、モーニング・グローリーは 1.5ドル、コーヒーは 1.65ドル、クレープとパニーニは 6ドルから7ドル、朝食メニューは 4ドル前後でした。良心的な価格だと思います。

Luna Bakery Cafe
Address: 2482 Fairmount Blvd. Cleveland Hts, OH 44106
Phone: (216) 231-8585
Hours: Mon. to Thurs., 7 AM to 8 PM, Fri., 7 AM to 9 PM, Sat., 8 AM to 9 PM, Sun., 8 AM to 8 AM

そして、お次の発見はウェスト・サイドのLakewoodにある新しいアイスクリーム・パーラーSweet Mosesです。夏前にオープンして以来、ずっと気になっていたのですが、ついに行って来ました。お目当ては私が気に入って飲んでいるSmith Dairyの牛乳を使って作っているというアイスクリームです。バニラ、ベルギー・チョコレート、ストロベリーなど10種類程のフレーバーがありましたが、今回は基本のバニラ・アイスクリームを頼みました。これが久々のヒット!しっかりとバニラ・ビーンズの味が効いていて、かつ甘すぎず、口当たり滑らかでした。また、濃厚でありながら、後味はあっさりとしています。ワシントンDCを離れて以来、おいしいバニラ・アイスクリームを探し続けていたのですが、やっとクリーブランドでおいしいとバニラ・アイスクリームを見つけました(ちなみに旬の食材を使ったアイスクリームが食べたい時はJeni'sに行っています。)。私は子供用の小さなサイズをお願いしたのですが、目を疑う程巨大でした。が、驚いたことに(また、恐ろしいことに)、ペロリと食べてしまいました。周りの方はほとんどサンデーを頼んでおり、このお店の目玉でもあるサンデーは大人の拳二つ分はあろうかという大きさのアイスクリームに、チョコレート・ソースと生クリームが添えてあります。是非食べてみたいのですが、とても一人で食べることは出来そうにないので、次には是非誰かと一緒に行って挑戦したいと思います。


Sweet Moses Soda Fountain & Treat Shop
Address: 6800 Detroit Ave., Cleveland., OH 44102
Phone: (216) 651-2102
Hours: Sun. & Tue. to Thurs., Noon to 10 PM, Fri. & Sat., Noon to Midnight 


Whole Foods Market Cedar Center
Address: 13998 Cedar Rd. University Hts., OH 44118
Phone: (216) 932-3918

It's nice to still have beautiful days here in Cleveland this late in the year. Isn't this a great time to go out for a good cup of coffee to enjoy the sunshine while we can? That's what I did and I found some good new spots in Cleveland. I believe they may just become your new favorite places to hang out, too. I will introduce you some of them today.

The first place is Luna Bakery & Cafe on Fairmount Blvd in the Cedar/Fairmount area. It's a small cafe that has excellent pastries and coffee. I had a pain au raisin (a cream filled rolled pastry with raisins), a macaroon,  and a "Morning Glory". Of these, the pastry I liked best was their morning glory. It's basically a carrot cake with more ingredients such as zucchinis, walnuts, whole wheat. This went great with their delicious coffee. I bet this combination makes a perfect American breakfast. I also liked their macaroon very much. It was a decent French style macaroon made of almond powder. Macaroons in the States are often made of grated coconuts, which I don't' like so much. I have been looking for delicate macaroons that I would find in France or Japan, but now I've found it! I am glad that I can enjoy this delicate sweets whenever I want it. Their pain au raisins was fairly unique because it was made of challahish bread, not of croissant dough. I actually liked it because the unique dough made a good balance with the generous amount of custard cream, and it tasted similar to the one I had nearby the Versailles Palace when I was in France last year. This might be a little too sweet and heavy for some croissant-type pain au raisins lovers, but it might be interesting to give it a try if you are a bit adventurous.

Luna Bakery Cafe
Address: 2482 Fairmount Blvd. Cleveland Hts, OH 44106
Phone: (216) 231-8585
Hours: Mon. to Thurs., 7 AM to 8 PM, Fri., 7 AM to 9 PM, Sat., 8 AM to 9 PM, Sun., 8 AM to 8 AM

The next place I want to mention is Sweet Moses in Lakewood. I had been interested in this ice cream parlor since they opened, and I finally made it there and had a chance to try some ice cream. It was a hit! I went there for their vanilla bean ice cream because I read an article saying they make their ice cram with my favorite local dairy (Smith Dairy). It was the best vanilla ice cream I have found so far in Cleveland. I tasted the natural flavor of the milk--a creamy silky texture, yet it was pleasantly light. I had been looking for a good vanilla ice cream ever since I moved to the Cleveland area, but I found this one! My favorite ice cream shop in the Cleveland area is Jeni's Ice Cream in Chagrin Falls, but for vanilla ice cream specifically, this is the place to go. I purchased a kids size scoop for $2.5, but it was about as big as a fist. I couldn't believe they called it kids size. I saw almost all the people in the shop were enjoying sundaes, a Sweet Moses' specialty. They looked very good, but I wasn't able to try it because the portion size was overwhelming. The glasses were filled with huge scoops of ice cream (even bigger than my fist) , along with whipped cream and chocolate/caramel sauce. I should come back here with someone next time to share the big treats. I also have to mention that they have wonderful brownies. I don't even want to call them brownies because it tasted distinguishably delicate and moist with a pure dark chocolate flavor. It was a descent chocolate cake, not a rustic home made chocolate cake. This is a must-try item.

Sweet Moses Soda Fountain & Treat Shop
Address: 6800 Detroit Ave., Cleveland., OH 44102
Phone: (216) 651-2102
Hours: Sun. & Tue. to Thurs., Noon to 10 PM, Fri. & Sat., Noon to Midnight 

Finally, I want to write about the new cookie bar in my favorite organic glossary, Whole Foods Market at Cedar center. I tried out their new cookie bar--I had vanilla short bread, a cocoa/vanilla checker cookie, a cookie sandwich with almonds and raspberry jam, and some others. I was pleasantly surprised to find that each one of cookie used a different type of dough. I thought its quite amazing that I could enjoy an array of little sweets because it's impossible to make five different kinds of dough at home for one occasion. An assortment of these cookies will make a perfect gift for friends and family this holiday season. This bar is basically for to-go cookies, so enjoy these cute little sweets at home or your favorite place.

Whole Foods Market at Cedar Center
Address: 13998 Cedar Rd. University Hts., OH 44118
Phone: (216) 932-3918

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

食い倒れ?シカゴ旅行 / What you should eat in Chicago!


クリーブランドに住んでいて、恋しく思うもの、それは繊細なお料理やお菓子です。飛び切り新鮮なお野菜やお肉、素朴でおいしい食べ物はたくさんありますが、洗練されたものを探すのは一苦労。そんな日頃の欲求を、シカゴの人気レストランBlackbird が存分に満たしてくれました。シカゴはアメリカの第三の都市で、アメリカはもちろん、世界のレストラン・ランキングに名を連ねる名店がいくつもあります。今回 Blackbird を選んだ理由は、レビューの評価が非常に高かったこと、値段が手頃だったこと、ニューヨーク・タイムスとシカゴ・トリビューンの2紙が最近記事を書いたことなどが決め手になりました。そして、結果は大成功!


Address: 619 W. Randolph, Chicago IL 60661
Phone: (312) 715-0708


Tensuke Market
Address: 3 S. Arlington Hts Rd, Elk Grove Village IL 60007
Phone: (847) 806-1200


今回お目当てのお店は名門ノース・ウェスタン大学のお膝元、エバンストン市にある、Edzo's Burger Shop。そもそもお店のオーナーは国内外の有名レストランで活躍していましたが、ハンバーガー一本に絞って自らの店を開いたという経歴の持ち主です。メニューは至ってシンプルで、ハンバーガー、ポテト・フライの他はソーダ、シェーク、ホット・ドックしかありません。素晴らしい心意気ではないですか、ハンバーガーを追求するこの潔さ!ハンバーガーは2種類あり、薄めのハンバーグをこんがり焼いた グリドルド・バーガーとぶ厚いハンバーグを好みの焼き加減に仕上げてくれるチャー・バーガーがあります。私はチャー・バーガーにチェダー・チーズをトッピングし、ポテト・フライとヌテラ・シェーク(ご存知の方も多いと思いますが、ヌテラはチョコレートとヘーゼルナッツ・ペースとを合わせたイタリアのスプレッドです。危険なおいしさです。)を注文しました。肉を追加料金でアップ・グレードすることができますが、今回は標準のお肉を選びました。運ばれて来たバーガーは見るからにおいしそう!一口頬張ると、しっかりと焼き上げたハンバーグからジューシーな肉汁が滴り落ちて来ます。夢中で食べました。フライも脂っこさがまるで無く、ジャガイモの自然なおいしがを味わえる、カリッした仕上がりです。そしてシェークも優しい味わいで、いくらでも飲めてしまいます。ハンバーガーがおいしいと言われるお店は、肉だけにこだわることも多いのですが、Edzo's Burger Shopはハンバーガー、ポテト・フライ、シェークのどれをとっても合格点以上でした。とても総合力が高いお店です。個人的にはレア気味のハンバーガーが好きなので、次回来る時は肉をアップグレードして、もっとレアに焼いてもらおうと思います。また、ポテト・フライの塩が少々きつめだったので、次回は控えてもらうよう、お願いしようと思っています。食べた瞬間に次に来ることを考えてしまう、そんなお店でした!こんなハンバーガー屋さんが家の近くにあったら、どんなにいいことか。いや、遠い方が自分の体にはいいかもしれません。とにかく大満足のハンバーガー・ショップでした。次回シカゴに行く時も、必ず寄るだろうと思います。

Edzo's Burger Shop
Address: 1571 Sherman Ave, Evanston, IL 60201
Phone: (847) 864-3396

長くなりましたが、最後にもう一つ。シカゴ名物のGarrett Gourmet Popcornを忘れてはいけません。初めはたかがポップコーン?と高を括っていましたが、侮ってはいけません。これを食べずして、シカゴを語ることなかれ。病み付きになるおいしさです。アメリカのテレビ番組の人気者Oprahのお気に入りのおやつで、言ってみれば、「はままるマーケット」の「おめざ」のようなものとして有名ですが、フランスで活躍する有名なパティシエから、グルメな友人まで一同に口を揃えて、シカゴに行ったら絶対に食べるというではありませんか。もちろん食べました。そして、食べて納得。アメリカにポップ・コーンを売る店は星の数程ありますが、不動の人気を誇る理由がわかります。私が食べたのは一番人気のシカゴ・ミックスで、何とチーズ味とキャラメル味のポップ・コーンを半々に混ぜてあります。信じられない組み合わせですが、これがおいしい。言ってみれば、ポテト・チップスを食べた後にチョコレートを食べてしまうように、しょっぱいものと甘いものを見事に組み合わせてありました。組み合わせだけではなく、ポップ・コーン自体にもおいしさの秘密があるようにおもいます。何が特別かと言われると難しいのですが、味といい軽いカリッとした食感といい絶妙で、一度食べ始めたら、途中で手を止めることはもう不可能です。今回は一番小さな袋を買いましたが、とても後悔しました。でも、それで良かったのかもしれません。シカゴ市内の目抜き通りの他、空港や駅にも支店がありますので、シカゴ市内に立ち寄ることができなくても、電車や飛行機の乗り換えの合間に魔性のおいしさを体験することができます。

Garrett Gourmet Popcorn
Address: 市内に数店舗
Phone: (888) 476-7267

Hello! I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful season. I visited Chicago on vacation and enjoyed a lot of wonderful food. I discovered many good restaurants I have never explored! I want to write about great places to eat in Chicago today.

I had a lot of excellent food during this trip. It's difficult to say which was the best, but dining at Blackbird was definitely one of the finest experiences I have ever had in Chicago. Blackbird is a nice small restaurant, which has a great reputation among Chicagonians. I had a lunch pre-fix. It was a three course menu, and each one of the dishes was very good. The first course was green soup with grapefruit and smoked trout. The texture of soup was airy and light, yet a hint of cream added richness to it. The chef also combined grapefruit and trout to make unexpectedly tasty relish. The second course was sauteed sturgeon. The white fish was perfectly grilled. I savored the delicate flavor of the white fish and the contrast of the crispy skin and the fluffy meat. Finally, the third and final course was mini parfait. little squares of ice cream were stacked like a tower and decorated with cotton candy. It was tiny, but very pretty and tasty. Everything I experienced at Blackbird was sophisticated. I liked all of their food, service, and atmosphere. Surprisingly, it was inexpensive. The three course lunch pre-fix menu was only twenty two dollars. The portion was small, but it worked perfect for me. I definitely recommend Blackbird if someone wants sophisticated food for a reasonable price. Incidentally, dinner menus are more expensive than lunch menus.

Address: 619 W. Randolph, Chicago IL 60661
Phone: (312) 715-0708

Another thing that excited me in Chicago was fresh sushi from Tensuke Market. It's very difficult to find good sushi in Cleveland, but Chicago has Tensuke Market, which has excellent sushi! I ordered a special set available from Monday to Thursday until 7 PM. For twenty three dollars, you can choose fifteen kinds of nigiri and three kinds of roll from choices. I had ikura, uni, scallop, tuna etc. They all looked fresh and tasted great. This sushi plate had the best value I have ever met in the U.S.A. This small eatery is great not only for sushi, but also for other Japanese food. They offer many set menus for a reasonable price. I went for sushi this time because I had a craving for fresh sushi, but I want to come back to try their other dinner menus. If you are not satisfied with the food court in Mitsuwa Market, this place is worth checking.

Tensuke Market
Address: 3 S. Arlington Hts Rd, Elk Grove Village IL 60007
Phone: (847) 806-1200

One more thing I really enjoyed in Chicago was a great burger. I won't hesitate to call myself a burger connoisseur. I have traveled all the way to a legendary burger shop in a suburb of San Francisco, talked-about famous burgers shops in Manhattan, and a burger place in the D.C. area, where President Obama visited with Vice President Joe Biden. These are just a few examples of the depth of my passion for burgers. Ever since I had a burger at Corner Bistro in NYC two years ago, I have been looking for another discovery, but I finally found it in Evanston, a small college town nearby Chicago. 

Edzo's Burger Shop was really a wonderful burger place. Their burger was delicious, their price was good, and their service was heartwarming. The owner of Edzo's Burger Shop worked many up-scale restaurants in Europe and the U.S.A.. After all the training, he decided to open his own burger shop to pursuit his passion for meat and make it to home to have dinner with his family everyday. So, Edzo's Burger Shop closes as early as 4 PM.

There is a reason why they can make superb burgers. They only use freshly ground meat and cook them to fit your taste. They offer two kinds of burgers: the "Griddled Burger" which has a thin patty cooked crispy on the griddle, and the "Char Burger", which has thick and juicy patties char-grilled as you like. I ordered a char grilled burger with cheddar cheese, fries, and a nutella shake. Everything was very good. Their char grilled burger was thick and juicy as they say. Also, their fries were crispy and crunchy. This is very important because it's difficult to find a place that has both good burgers and fries. The nutella shake was memorably good. It's pretty difficult to make a bad nutella shake, but even so this shake had a perfect balance of nutella and milk. It was mild and milky. It is amazing that they offer these perfect American favorites for very reasonable prices. For example, a char burger was only $5.79. If you order this kind of gourmet burger at a restaurant, you would pay around $15. A small fries was $1.49, and a nutella shake, which is enough for two, was $4. You can't beat it.

I am sure Edzo's Burger Shop puts a smile on anyone who loves burgers. I will come back to Edzo Burger Shop to try their upgrade beef patties and truffle fries even though it's 6 hours away from my place!

Edzo's Burger Shop
Address: 1571 Sherman Ave, Evanston, IL 60201
Phone: (847) 864-3396

I know I already wrote a lot about Chicago, but I really should let you know about Garrett Gourmet Popcorn. Garrett Gourmet Popcorn is a Chicago institute. It's one of the icons of Chicago. My first thought when I heard of this was "popcorn is popcorn, what's the big deal?" but that thinking was a huge mistake! From Oprah to my foodie friends, everyone says their popcorn is a must try item. So, I did. It was seriously addictive! I had a bag of their famous Chicago mix. It's basically a mix of caramel and cheese popcorn. You might think it's a wired combination, but it somehow satisfies your desire for sweet things after salty snacks and visa versa. This make you keep eating their popcorn forever. This endless cycle pushes you until you finish up a bag. This popcorn was very dangerous. When I ate it all, I regretted that I bought a small bag, but perhaps, it was good for me. I know I will never fail to visit Garrett Gourmet Popcorn whenever I go to Chicago in the future. I think I don't even need to remember to buy it. I am pretty sure my feet will automatically move me toward Garrett Gourmet Popcorn when I am in Chicago like a conditional response. 

Garrett Gourmet Popcorn
Address: Eight branches in the Chicago area
Phone: (888) 476-7267

Thursday, July 7, 2011

ボルチモアのおいしいレストラン/ Where to eat in Baltimore




かにの名店は市内に数々ありますが、地元の人に不動の人気を誇るのが Faidley's です。Lexington Marketという、クリーブランドでいうウェスト・サイド・マーケットのような屋内の公営市場の一角にあり、観光客から地元の通まで、お客さんが毎日詰め掛けます。

Faidley's のクラブ・ケーキはいくつか種類がありますが、是非食べて欲しいのが All Lump Crab Cake です。これを食べなければ、ここまで足を伸ばした意味がありません。こぶし程も大きさがある(もしかしたら私の拳よりも大きいかもしれません。。。)巨大なクラブ・ケーキで、手作業で取った立派なかに肉を惜しげも無く使っています。味付けもまた絶妙で、かにの淡白な味わいを引き出す、独特のまろやかなソースが絡めてあり、数あるかにのお店でも、不動の一位を誇る理由が分かります。こんなに贅沢なクラブ・ケーキは他のどこを探してもないでしょう。

これだけ丹誠を込めて作られた料理を出す一方、ここはセルフサービスのカジュアルなお店なので、席は無く、立ち食いです。まず列に並んで注文し、品物を受け取って、空いている高テーブルで立って食事をします。クラブ・ケーキは単品でもセットでも注文することもできますが、All Lump Crab Cake は単品でも食べきれない程大きいので、私はいつも単品で注文します。価格はAll Lump Crab Cake が13〜14ドル程(セットは18〜19ドル)と、この手のスタンドにしてはもしかしたら少々高いと思われる方もいるかもしれませんが、その質を考えると、むしろ驚く程良心的な価格だとおもいます。これ程に手間が掛かった最高のクラブケーキです。他のレストランで食べたら優に30〜35ドルは越えるでしょう。

本当においしい、本場のメリーランド・クラブ・ケーキを食べたい方は、是非 Faidley'sに行ってみて下さい。但し、お越しになる際は、十分注意して下さい。Faidley's が入っているレキシントン・マーケット周辺は治安が悪いため、できるだけ、車を使って、駐車場から直接市場に入っていらっしゃることをおすすめします。

Address: 203 North Paca Street, Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: (410) 727-4898

本当においしいシーフードを食べたら、次に本当においしいお肉を食べてみたいというのが人の心。これまで行った人全てが「すごくおいしい。絶対にお勧め。」と言ったレストランがあります。それはブラジリアン・ステーキ・ハウス Fogo de Ciaoです。Fogo de Ciaoは本店がブラジルにあるシュラスコのお店で、ブラジル国内の他、アメリカにも支店がいくつかあります。チェーンだからといって、あなどってはいけません。アメリカの他のどんなステーキ・ハウスにも劣らぬどころか、それ以上においしいお肉を堪能することができます。


実際に食事をしてみて、まず驚いたのがその肉質です。私もここまでは期待していなかったのですが、アメリカのどの高級レストランにも引けを取らぬ程の高品質な肉を炭火でじっくり焼いています。そして、好みの焼き加減の部位を、好みの分だけ切り分けてくれます。看板メニューのPicanhaは驚く程柔かで、ジューシー。これ程に上手に焼けたロースト・ビーフを食べたことがありません。そして、次に驚くのが種類の豊富さです。トップ・サーロインにフィレ・ミニョン、リブ・アイにラム、そしてビーフ・リブ、ポーク・リブと枚挙に暇がありません。そして、どれもおいしい。食べ放題というと、倦厭される方もいらっしゃるかもしれませんが、Fogo de Chaoは量が多いのが苦手な方や、女性にこそぴったりなステーキ・ハウスだと思います。というのも、いろいろな種類のお肉をほんの少しずつ楽しめるからです。アメリカのステーキ・ハウスに行って、大きなお肉の塊が出て来て、それを見ただけで、お腹が一杯になってしまったという経験はありませんか?意外にも、Fogo de Chao はそんな方にこそ、おすすめです。



本当においしいお肉とお野菜を、手頃な価格で、心ゆくまで味わいたい方、是非 Fogo de Chao に行ってみてください。ちなみにボルチモアのみならず、シカゴやワシントンDCにも支店がありますので、機会がありましたら、是非お試し頂きたいと思います。私も今から次に Fogo de Chao に行ける日を楽しみにしています。

ボルチモアにはその他にも、有機栽培の素材を使ったおいしいジェラート屋さん Pitango や、内装が飛び切り面白くて料理がおいしいPaper Moon というダイナーなど、何度でも行きたい、おいしいお店が沢山あります。これまで行く機会が無かった方も多いと思いますが、次にワシントンDCに行かれる機会には、ボルチモアまで足を伸ばしてみてはいかがでしょうか?

Fogo de Chao, Baltimore
Address: 600 E. Pratt Street, Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: (410) 528-9292

It's been a while since I wrote the last article. I was a little busy traveling last month. I went to Baltimore and enjoyed a lot of delicious foods. You might wonder why it was in Baltimore? Baltimore is kind of in the shadow of D.C., but it is actually an interesting city that has its very special character. Also, I sometimes feel like coming back to Baltimore because I used to live there. I want to write about my favorite restaurants in the Baltimore area today.

The first and most important thing you should do in Baltimore is to taste real Maryland crab cake. There are many restaurants that offer good crab cake, but Faidley's in the Lexington market has the best reputation among locals. The all lump crab cake from Fadley's is so huge like a size of a fist and it's all made of fine hand picked lump crab meat. I've never seen such generous crab cake anywhere else, and it's perfectly seasoned to taste the delicate flavor of crab meat. Plus, it's only 13-14 bucks. Now you know why this is kind of crab cake I dream of. This is no doubt the best place to try the real Maryland crab cake. It is a very casual self-service restaurant, and there is no seating. I should mention one more thing about Faidley's. Safety in the restaurant itself and the market is OK, but the neighborhood around the Lexington Market is not good. I highly recommend going there by car. Be safe and enjoy a great meal!

After I enjoyed fantastic seafood, I wanted to enjoy fantastic meat also. The place I headed for next was Fogo de Chao, a famous Brazilian style steak house. Fogo de Chao has their original restaurant in Brazil, so it's not actually a "Brazilian style restaurant", but it's a real "Brazilian churassco restaurant".

Fogo de Chao is unique in many ways. First, it's a fancy restaurant, but it's all-you-can-eat. It's all-you-can-eat, but you don't need to stand to get food. Each guest receives a card with one side green and another side red. When you have green side up on the table, the servers come to your table with a big chunk of meat, and you can ask how much meat you want if you want the dish. When you have red side up, that means "stop." They don't come to your table so that you can take your time to eat and relax. Another unique feature of Fogo de chao is that you can enjoy a variety of meat during a visit, such as filet mignon, top sirloin, rib-eye, lamb chop, pork rib, and you name it. I liked  this unique serving style very much because I was able to enjoyed a little bit of all kinds of steak. Very often, a portion of steak is overwhelmingly huge that I can't enjoy a meal at the end, but with this system, when I didn't want it anymore, I just stopped and didn't need to waist any, and when I wanted more, I had some more. This worked just perfect.

You might not expect great quality for almost any kind of all-you-can-eat restaurant, but I should say that this restaurant was very different. All the meat was top quality and perfectly grilled to be juicy. Even at a well respected steak house, I have never had tender steak like this. In addition,  I loved their salad bar. It was full of fresh unusual vegetables and toppings such as arugula, watercress, smoked salmon, machengo cheese and so on. The salad bar itself made a great gourmet meal, but more importantly, it made a perfect relish. With this salad, I enjoyed their steak more.

Lunch at Fogo de Chao was only 32.5 dollars. I thought this had tremendous value. I definitely recommend Fogo de Chao to whoever loves sizzling great steak. Fogo de Chao has a branch in both Chicago and Washington D.C. These two locations might be easier to reach for some people in Cleveland.

These two places, Faidley's and Fogo de Ciao, are my big favorite in Baltimore, but there are more places that you don't want to miss such as Pitango, a great gelato place that uses very good natural ingredients, Patisserie Poupon, a good French bakery that has perfectly puffed brioche, etc. Baltimore also has world class cultural institutes, such as the Baltimore Museum of Art, the Walters Art Museum, and Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. If you have a chance to visit Washington D.C., I recommend stopping by Baltimore to experience their culture. I am sure you'll have a good time.

Address: 203 North Paca Street, Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: (410) 727-4898

Fogo de Chao, Baltimore
Address: 600 E. Pratt Street, Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: (410) 528-9292

Sunday, May 15, 2011

ジェニス・アイスクリームスがチャグリン・フォールズ にオープン!/Jeni's Ice Creams from Columbus Open in Chagrin Falls







Jeni's Ice Creams, Chagrin Falls
住所:67 North Main Street, Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44022
電話:(440) 247-2064
営業時間:春・夏 (4月〜9月) 11PM to 11PM 
営業時間:秋・冬(10月〜3月) 月曜〜木曜 12PM to 10PM、金曜・土曜12PM to 11PM 

Jeni's Ice Creams, a genuine ice cream shop from Columbus, finally opened a branch in the Cleveland area. It's the best ice cream shop in Ohio as far as I know. I am pretty picky about ice cream and I've been to almost all the famous ice cream & gelato shops in Cleveland and Columbus. I love Jeni's Ice Creams the best in Ohio because I can really taste the natural flavors of the fresh ingredients in it. I also like their interestingly unique flavors, such as Goat Cheese with Cognac Fig Sauce, Lime Cardamon Yogurt, Riesling Poached Pear, Salty Caramel etc among others. All the flavors are excellent and the combinations of the ingredients are delicately balanced.

Almost every time I went to Columbus, I went to Jeni's Ice Creams to indulge myself in scoops of superb cold treats. It used to take me good two hours to go to Jeni's Ice Creams, but now it's just thirty minutes away. This might be dangerous because I might drive thirty minutes everyday just to treat myself. If someone is looking for decent sweets, this is the place you should try. They let you try as many flavors as you want so that you would never get any flavors you don't like. Whenever I go there, I try five or six kinds, but they are always friendly and welcoming no matter how busy they are. This is one of the reasons why I love this ice cream shop. They craft their ice cream seriously and serve their ice cream with pride. This makes this ice cream shop such a special place. I really want all Clevelanders to try their ice cream. This ice cream shop makes a difference in your life in Cleveland if you have a sweet tooth. I bet you will love it.

Jeni's Ice Creams, Chagrin Falls
Address: 67 North Main Street, Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44022
Phone: (440) 247-2064
Summer Hours (April - September): 11PM to 11PM all weeks
Winter Hours (October - May): 12PM to 10PM Monday to Thursday, 12PM to 11PM Friday & Saturday

Friday, May 6, 2011

クリーブランドの四季/Four Seasons in Cleveland





Someone once told me that winter in Cleveland lasts half a year. When I heard this, I thought she was exaggerating, but now I know that this is very true from my two years experience in Cleveland. You might imagine that living in such a climate would be tough. While I wouldn't say it's easy, there are unexpected joys of living further north. I want to write about what I love about each season in Cleveland.

Summer is the best season in Cleveland. The weather is always nice with a beautiful sky and a refreshing breeze. It's not too cold nor too humid. It is very pleasant to go out and take a walk. Also, there are numerous festivals and events such as outdoor concerts, fireworks, Major League baseball games, that pleasantly occupies the summer nights in Cleveland. As summer draws to a close, the new school year begins and autumn comes. Trees start to turn yellow and red. The fall colors in the north are very striking and stunningly beautiful. After these beautiful seasons, the weather turns colder and winter comes right around Halloween. It's usually the start of darker cloudy days, but it also marks the start of a series of joyful holidays. There is Thanksgiving in November, Christmas in December, New Year in January, Valentine's Day in February, and Easter in March or April. Shortly after Easter, we start to feel spring is around.

The great thing about people in the north is that they try to enjoy every single moment of spring and summer because people know these beautiful days do not last forever.  They also try to enjoy winter as well by planning fun activities at home with friends and family. In that way, they enjoy every moment through each of the four seasons. Clevelanders taught me how to enjoy each season. I now appreciate blessing of nature more than ever as a result of living with long winters in Cleveland. I think this feeling of gratitude for nature is a gift from living in Cleveland.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

ビーチウッド・プレイスにFOREVER21登場!/FOREVER21 Opened in Beachwood



One of my favorite American clothing brands, FOREVER 21, has opened its newest branch inside Beachwood Place. It's a popular brand among teenagers for its cheap-chic style. I love shopping at FOREVER21 because I can find a bunch of nice dresses in style for only twenty bucks or even under. Exploring the store is like a treasure hunt. Their stores used to be only in the West Side Cleveland, but now we have one in the East Side. It's kind of dangerous to have FOREVER21 close to my place because I can't help buying something whenever I go there. If you have never been to FOREVER21, you should check it out. It's a must-visit place for a budget-mided fashion lover.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

花曇り/Cherry Blossoms Blooming


After a long wait, cherry blossoms have started blooming in Cleveland. I went to Wade Lagoon today, and the cherry blossoms were blooming beautifully. The very subtle pale pink color of cherry blossoms and the color of overcast sky blended into one. The sky looked as if it were full of cherry blossoms. The cloudy sky in this season has a special nostalgic atmosphere. We Japanese call it "Hana-gumori," which literally translates "overcast with cherry blossoms." For Japanese, cherry blossoms are such special flowers. We just love them.

Monday, April 18, 2011

より安全な卵/Safer Egg



より安全な卵とは?と不思議に思われると思うのですが、実際にそのように入れ物に書いてあります。正確にはParsteurized Shell Eggs, Davidson's Safest Choice -Made Safer...Naturally-と表示があり、丸で囲んだPのマークが目印です。ジャイアント・イーグルやマイルズ・ファーマーズ・マーケットなどで3ドル半くらいで販売されています。この卵は低温殺菌することにより、サルモネラ菌を減らしてあるそうです。生で食べて良いとはどこにも書いてありませんので、調理方法については十分考慮された上、ご本人の責任で適切に調理して頂くようお願い致します。但、私自身は完全に火を通していない卵を食べる時には、他の卵よりは安全ということで、この卵を選ぶようにしています。不安に怯える気持ちが無くなったわけではありませんが、この卵を見つけてからというもの、危険を冒す時の気持ちが少し軽くなりました。私のように不安に怯えながらも、卵を食べ続けている方がいらっしゃいましたら、是非この「より安全な卵」を試してみてはいかがでしょうか。

There are many differences between Japanese food tradition an American food tradition. One of the biggest and hardest differences for me is that I can't eat raw eggs nor dishes including partially cooked eggs such as carbonara, tiramisu, and Eggs Benedict in the States. Technically speaking, carbonara and egg benedict  exist at restaurants in the U.S.A., but they clearly say that if I got sick, it's my responsibility and they will never be responsible for the consequences. If that's the case, then I find it difficult to order such a dish and take a risk because I don't know how they cook the dishes. That said, I actually do eat partially cooked eggs at home. I made tiramisu at home several times. I double boiled the batter when I made it. I did my best carefully. Still I was worried if I would ever possibly get food poisoned. I recently found a solution for my dilemma. It's not a complete solution, but it's a great progress. The solution is to use safer eggs.

You might wonder what safer eggs are. These egg shells are pasteurized. Although the package of the eggs says "made safer" and "safest choices," I didn't find any descriptions that suggested it's OK to eat the eggs uncooked. So, please, please be careful and choose an appropriate way to cook the eggs using your own judgement and responsibility. It is better not to eat an uncooked egg. However, I sometimes can't hold my desire for half cooked eggs. Only in those cases, I have personally been using these eggs since I found them because they are a little safer and I feel a little less worried.

If someone eats regular eggs uncooked like I used to, I recommend these pasteurized shell eggs instead. You can find  these eggs at some Giant Eagle stores and Miles Farmers Market. A dozen of the eggs is about three dollars and fifty cents.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

オハイオのワイナリー/Ohio Wineries


Laurello Vineyards
Laurello Vineyardsはクリーブランドから東に約1時間程行ったところにある、エリー湖にほど近い小さなワイナリーです。テイスティングは一種類1ドル。私は白と赤から合わせて5種類を試飲しました。ワイナリーの方のおすすめはドライ・リースリング。これは意外な発見、非常に上品なおいしい白ワインでした。ニューヨークやカリフォルニアのワインと比べても決して引けを取らない高品質のワインです。軽さの中にも、爽やかな果実味があり、サラダやシーフードにぴったりなワインです。シャンパンの替わりに、食前酒としても楽しめるのではないかと思います。そしてお値段は一本12.99ドル。悪くないではありませんか。とても飲みやすいワインなので、これまでおいしいオハイオ・ワインを飲んだことが無い方に、まず試して頂きたいワインです。

Laurello Vineyards
住所: 4573 Sate Route 307 E, Geneva, OH 44041
電話: (440) 415-0061

Harpersfield Vineyard
今回オハイオのワイナリー巡りするきっかけになったHarpersfield Vineyardのワイン。やはりその品質に間違いはありませんでした。今回行ったワイナリーの中からもう一度を訪れるとすれば、間違いなくここHarpersfield Vineyardを選ぶと思います。今回私はシャルドネ2種、ピノ・グリ、カベルネ・フラン、Musette(赤のハウス・ブレンド)の5種類を試飲しました。どれもおいしかったのですが、是非飲んで頂きたいのはFut de Cheneというシャルドネです。樽で熟成させたフル・ボディーのシャルドネで、豊かな果実味の中に花のようなふくよかな香りと、ヴァニラのような芳香、そしてまろやかな後味の素晴らしいワインでした。気軽に食事と合わせるというよりは、特別な日に楽しんでほしいワインです。価格は22.5ドルとやや高価ですが、あの素晴らしい香り、溶けるような味わいを思うと、その価値があるのではないかと思います。ちなみにHarpersfield Vineyardの試飲は1種類1ドルでした。

Harpersfield Vineyard
住所: 6387 State Route 307 West, Geneva OH 44041
電話: (440) 466-4739

Debonne Vineyards
Debonne Vineyardsの素晴らしい点は何といってもブルーワリーが併設されていることです。女性陣がワインを楽しんでいる間、男性陣はビア!なんて、理想的ではありませんか?ワインのテイスティングルームのすぐ隣にはビールのテイスティング・ルームがあり、私はワインを3種類とビールを2種類試飲しました。そして特筆すべきはやはりビール。ブルーワリーの方に軽めのビールからひとつ、重めのビールからひとつ、特にお勧めのものを選んで頂きましたが、どちらもとてもおいしかったです。The Field Rat Wheat Beerはベルギー・ビールのような明るい色のビールで、濾過されていないため、自然な味わいで、まるで果物のような後味と上品なモルトの風味が絶妙でした。またthe Monk's Rat-Doppelbock は殆ど黒ビールに近い色で、香り高く、風味豊でありながら、重すぎず、うっすらと甘みすら感じさせる後味で、非常に飲みやすいビールでした。こんなにおいしい作り立ての地ビールがたった4ドルから楽しめるなんて、お得ではありませんか。葡萄畑を抜ける爽やかな風に吹かれながら、おいしいビールを楽しむなんて、これ以上のことはありません。天気が良い日に、ピクニックを兼ねて、ビールを目当てにまた訪れてしまうかもしれません。

Debonne Vineyards Winery & Chalet
住所: 7743 Doty Rd, Madison OH 44057
電話: (440) 466-3485

Cellar Rats Brewery 

The Winery at Wolf Creek
The Winery at Wolf Creekはクリーブランドから車でおよそ30分。At Creekという名前の通り、小川のほとりの高台にあり、テイスティング・ルームの大きな窓からは小川の眺めを楽しむことができます。試飲は一種類25セントで、私は白と赤合わせ8種類のワインを試飲しました。このワイナリーで圧倒的にお勧めは甘いワインです。私は普段、甘いワインは好まないのですが、ここのワイナリーのワインはおいしく頂くことができました。特にお勧めはラインナップの中でも特に甘さの際立つWhite LiesとSweet Revengeです。White Liesはやや軽く、リンゴやアプリコットのような爽やかな甘みが特徴です。イタリアのモスカートのような味わいで、チーズやフルーツ、焼き菓子などのデザートにぴったりなのではないかと思います。そしてもうひとつのSweet RevengeはWhite Liesよりも一層甘みが凝縮された、ほとんど貴腐ワインのような味わいで、それだけで十分デザートとなる上品なワインでした。White Liesは14ドル、Sweet Revenge13ドルで、どちらも驚く程手頃な値段でした。デザート・ワインがお好きな方に、是非試して頂きたいと思います。The Winery at Wolf Creekのワインはホールフーズなどでも最近よく見かけますので、ご興味がある方はクリーブランド市内でも気軽に購入できるようです。

The Winery at Wolf Creek
住所: 2637 Cleveland Massillon Rd, Norton, OH 44203
電話: (330) 666-9285


I finally visited some Ohio wineries last weekend. You might not think Ohio is a wine country, but indeed it is. In fact, Ohio has more than one hundred wineries. I often see Ohio wine here and there at supermarkets, and I has been interested, but the reason why it took me so long to make a trip to Ohio wineries is that I haven't heard a good reputation. To my surprise, the reality was that they weren't bad. Let me introduce some nice Ohio wines and wineries that I recently discovered.

Laurello Vineyards
Laureallo Vineyards was a nice small winery nearby Lake Erie. I tried five kinds of their wines. What impressive was their Dry Riesling. It had a nice refreshing flavor with a clean finish. It was delicate, yet not too restrained. It pleasantly surprised me because this wine was as good as one from renowned vineyards from California or New York. It really was a well made white wine with a moderate price. One bottle of their dry riesling was $12.99. This will make a perfect aperitif to welcome out-of-state guests. I, of course, bought it. I recommend this Dry Riesling from Laurello Vinyards if you have never had a good Ohio wine. FYI,  the tasting fee was one for a dollar.

Laurello Vineyards
Address: 4573 Sate Route 307 E, Geneva, OH 44041
Phone: (440) 415-0061

Harpersfield Vineyard
If you don't have much time and have to choose only one winery for Ohio wine experience, I would recommend Harpersfield Vineyard because their wines are outstanding. I tried 5 kinds of wine, two kinds of Chardonnay, Pinot Gris, Cabernet Franc, and Musette Red, house blend red. One of their Chardonnay, Fut de Chene, was gorgeous. It was ripe and fruity with a rich butterscotch flavor and a scent of vanilla beans. It was no doubt an excellent full bodied American Chardonnay aged in oak, that would satisfy any occasions. I am sure you would adore it. Only one thing I don't love about this wine is the price. One bottle of Fut de Chene was $22.50. A bottle of white wine more than 20 bucks is kind of expensive. I didn't buy it this time, but I regret because I still keep thinking of the wonderful taste of it, and I am thirsty for another glass of it. Considering it, I think $22.50 is worth it. I will definitely come back to buy a bottle or two. They offer samples for a dollar for one kind. You should try Fut de Chene from Harpersfield Vineyard if you really want to know the quality of good Ohio wine. I bet you would love it. 

Harpersfield Vineyard
Address: 6387 State Route 307 West, Geneva OH 44041
Phone: (440) 466-4739

Debonne Vineyards Winery & Chalet
What I actually liked about Debonne Vineyards is that they have a nice brewery on site. This is great because guys can enjoy a pint of beer while ladies enjoy a bottle of wine. I tried some wines and two kinds of beer, one from dark and the other from light, which the staff recommended. Both of the beers were very good. The Field Rat Wheat Beer from light beers was inspired by Belgian beer. It had a nice fruity flavor with a scent of orange peel. I liked the sophisticated yet natural flavor of finely made unfiltered European style beer. It wasn't too sharp nor too light. It was elegant. Also, the Monk's Rat-Doppelbock from dark beers was wonderful. It was rich full bodied dark beer with an aromatic floral scent and a hint of sweetness. I think everyone would like this unique dark beer even though someone is not familiar with dark beers. A pint of freshly brewed artisan beer was just 4 to 6 bucks. I am sure everyone will be smiley in a pleasant vineyard with such a perfect glass of beer. Cheers!

Debonne Vineyards Winery & Chalet
Address: 7743 Doty Rd, Madison OH 44057
Phone: (440) 466-3485

Cellar Rats Brewery 

The Winery at Wolf Creek
The Winery at Wolf Creek is just 30 minutes away from Cleveland while the other wineries are on Lake Erie and probably take about an hour from Cleveland. I tried 8 kinds of their wines from white and red, dry and sweet. I thought their sweet wines were excellent and reasonably priced. White Lies is one of their white sweet wine from Delaware grapes. It was delicious. I usually do not prefer sweet wines, but it had an elegant sweetness of ripe fruits, and I liked it. It almost tasted like good Moscato. I  think this wine would be great for after dinner to accompany cheese, fruits, and sweets. Also, Sweet Revenge, their other sweet wine, was very good. Sweet Revenge was even sweeter than White Lies, and it tasted almost like Ice Wine. This would make a perfect dessert wine itself. The sweetness of this wine was intense like honey with floral scents. If you are a big fan of wine, someone who starts dinner with wine and end it with wine, this will be your choice. A bottle of White Lies was $14, and Sweet Revenge was $13. I thought these were great prices because most of good sweet wines are expensive. If you are a fan of sweet wine, this winery is the way to go. Some wines from the Winery at Wolf Creek are available at the local Whole Foods Markets. 

The Winery at Wolf Creek
Address: 2637 Cleveland Massillon Rd, Norton, OH 44203
Phone: (330) 666-9285

I enjoyed varieties of good Ohio wines from whites and reds, to dry and sweets. Now I think I want to enjoy Ohio wines more to welcome my guests and indulge myself. I hope you will have a chance to try it!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

クリーブランドのレストラン/ My favorite restaurants in Cleveland



L'albatros Brasserie + Bar
L'albatros Brasserie + Barはクリーブランドの有名シェフ・Zack Bruell がオーナーのカジュアル・フレンチ・レストランです。2009年にはエスクアイア・マガジンでニュー・オープンのレストラン全米トップ20にも選ばれました。場所はクリーブランドの文化の中心、ユニバーシティー・サークルにあります。

真っ先に名前を挙げたことからお分かりかもしれませんが、L'albatros Brasserie + Barは、今のところ私がクリーブランドで一番気好きなレストランです。何よりも料理のレベルが高く、サービスも行き届いており、加えてインテリアもなかなかに素敵です。中庭に面した大きな窓がたくさんあるため、自然光の中でくつろいで食事を取ることができます。このレストランが東京にあったとしても、お気に入りのレストランになるだろうと思います。

さて、肝心の料理ですが、田舎風のフランス料理が中心で、「アメリカでフランス料理?」と怪訝に思われる方もいらっしゃるかもしれませんが、なかなかどうして、いけるのです。フランスはパリの都会的なイメージが強いかもしれませんが、実は産業の中心は農業です。農業が盛んで、新鮮な野菜、鴨などが簡単に手に入るオハイオとフランスは食に関して共通点があるように思います。今回私はランチにフルコースを頂きましたが、前菜にはルッコラとラディッキョのサラダ、メインにはカスレ(田舎風お豆と鴨肉のシチュー)、デザートにはフローズン・レモン・スフレを注文しました。前菜のルッコラとラディッキョのサラダは絞り立てのレモンで作ったドレッシングが爽やかで、薄く削ったパルメザン・チーズが程よいアクセントになっていました。メインのカスレはフォークを当てるとほろりと崩れる程煮込まれた鴨肉と白インゲンがとても優しいお味です。そして最後のデザート、フローズン・レモン・スフレはシャーベットとアイスクリームの間のようなもので、細く細く削られたレモン・ピールできれいに飾られており、お味も見た目も繊細なデザートでした。どれもこれも丁寧に作られたお料理で、おいしく頂くことができました。L'albatros Brasserie + Barで食事をしたのは、これが二回目でしたが、今回驚いたのはその量です。前回はダック・コンフィを頂いたのですが(これもおいしかったです)、アメリカにしては量が控えめでした。ところが、先日注文したカスレは、何と!中くらいの大きさのフライパンに入って運ばれて来ました。目前の光景をしばし信じることができませんでしたが、もちろん現実です。カスレを注文される方は、二人で一皿をシェアしても十分だと思います。

おいしい料理が多過ぎた!という嬉しい誤算はあったものの、食べきれない分はお持ち帰りできますし、二人で一皿を分けられることを考えると、この点は問題無いのではないかと思います。L'albatros Brasserie + Barはクリーブランドに遊びにいらした方にも、お住まいの方にもおすすめのレストランです。私も普段よりも少し特別な気分を味わいたい時に、是非また行きたいと思います。

L'albatros Brasserie + Bar
Address: 11401 Bellflower Rd, Cleveland, OH 44106
Phone: (216) 791-7880
Hours: 11:30 AM to 11 PM (Monday to Wednesday) 11:30 AM to 12 AM (Thursday to Saturday)

ChinatoはL'albatros Brasserie + Bar のシェフZack Bruellがオーナーのイタリアン・レストランです。クリーブランドのレストラン街 East 4th Streetに昨年オープンしました。ずっと気になっていたものの、なかなか行く機会がなかったのですが、二の足を踏んでいた理由は「フランス料理のシェフにおいしいイタリアンが作れるのだろうか?」という疑問でした。実際に行って驚きました。意外にも答えは「Yes」でした。

アメリカには星の数程イタリアン・レストランがあるものの、おいしいイタリア料理にお目に掛かることは殆どありません。それが例え大都会でもです。それだけにクリーブランドでおいしいイタリアンに出会ったのは、本当に予想外でした。私はランチに牛タンとオックス・テールを煮込んだソースにリコッタ・チーズを添えたフジッリとサルサ・ベルデという緑のソースが添えた牛タンのステーキを頂きました。牛タンとオックス・テールを煮込んだソースは肉の旨味がワインの酸味に閉じ込められた複雑なお味で、フジッリに良く合っていました。湯で加減もアル・デンテで申し分ありません。これはアメリカに来て以来、一、二を争う、秀逸なパスタでした。そして、ステーキは牛タンをさっと焼き上げてあり、柔かな食感の中に、牛タンならではのこっくりとした味わいが溶け合います。料理そのものの質でいうと、もしかしたらL'albatros Brasserie + Barよりも上かもしれません。但し、サービスについてはもう少し改善の余地があるように思いました。ですが、イタリアン不毛の地アメリカでおいしいイタリアンは貴重です。これからも繊細なイタリアンを食べたい時には、Chinatoに必ず足を運ぶことになりそうです。

Address: 2079 East 4th Street, Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: (216) 298-9080
Hours: 11AM to 10 PM (Monday to Wednesday) 11AM to 12AM (Thursday & Friday) 4PM to 12AM (Saturday)

Lola Bistro
そして最後に忘れてはならないのは、Lola Bistroです。Lola Bistro はクリーブランドが誇るアメリカの料理の鉄人 Michael Symonのレストランで、クリーブランドでその名を知らぬ人はいない程有名なレストランです。クリーブランドは元より、全米にもその名を轟かせています。

Michael Symon は肉料理を得意なことで有名ですが、彼は特に豚好きで有名です。お店の方にお勧めを聞いても、「当店は豚を得意としています。是非豚を召し上がって頂きたい。」と自信を持っておっしゃいます。ところが、予想に反し、その豚よりもおいしかったのがリブ・アイ・ステーキ、牛でした。私は今回フルコースのディナーを頂いたのですが、前菜に生ハムやサラミなどの肉の盛り合わせ、牛ほほ肉のピエロギ、豚の三枚肉の揚げ焼き、メインにリブ・アイ・ステーキとポーク・チョップ、付け合わせにフライド・ポテト、そしてデザートにバナナ・ブレッドのアイスクリーム添えを注文しました。(この数週間でどの位体重が増えたかは、想像しないで下さい。。。)どれもおいしかったのですが、リブ・アイ・ステーキのおいしさは突出していました。そもそも驚かされたのは大きさです。お皿からはみ出んばかりで、分厚いステーキが長さ約30センチ、幅10センチはあったのでしょうか。日本だったら、その一切れが一人前になりそうなボリュームです。更に、ボリューム以上に素晴らしかったのは味です。一般的にアメリカのステーキは脂身が少なく、日本人には堅すぎるばかりか、噛み切れないことすらあるのですが、Lola Bistroのリブ・アイ・ステーキは全く違いました。牛の叩きを厚くしたような食感で、肉の柔らかさの中に適度な噛みごたえがあり、表面は香ばしく炭火で炙ってあります。見事なステーキでした。東京のおいしいもの好きの友人ばかりか、フランスから食通の友人が遊びに来ても、是非Lola Bistroに連れて行きたいと思います。

ちなみに、以前 Lola Bistroに来た時は、ランチでグリルド・チーズ・サンドイッチを食べました。スモークしたゴーダ・チーズ、ルッコラ、リンゴのスライス、生ハムが絶妙なバランスで、とても家庭では真似することができない、プロの味でした。また食後に頂いたレモン・パンナコッタもアメリカのデザートとは思えない程繊細で(失礼!)、バニラビーンズをふんだんに使ったまろやかなクリームと爽やかなレモンの風味が相性ぴったりでした。


Lola Bistro
Address: 2058 East 4th Street, Cleveland, Oh 44115
Phone: (216) 621-5652
Hours: Lunch; 11:30 AM to 2:30 PM (Weekdays) Dinner; 5 PM to 10 PM (Monday to Thursday) 5 PM to 11 PM (Friday and Saturday) 

Hi! Although we had a snow storm about a week ago, I think it's safe to say that spring has come to Cleveland. Everyday, it feels more and more like spring. The warm weather made me feel like going out and enjoying the city after the long dark days of winter. I recently have been to some famous restaurants in Cleveland, and I had good experiences at some of them. I want to write about the restaurants that I really liked. These are all great restaurants that I definitely recommend.

L'albatros Brasserie + Bar
L'albatros Brasserie + Bar is no doubt one of the best restaurants in Cleveland. This restaurant has been selected as Top 20 new restaurants in the U.S.A. in 2009 by Esquire Magazine. Their specialty is casual French cuisine, as the name "Brasserie" suggests.

This was my second visit to L'albatros. I had a great experience at each visit. I had a full course lunch this time. (Come to think of it, I actually had a full course lunch the last time too...) I had a arugula and radicchio with shaved parmesan salad, a cassoulet, and a frozen lemon souffle. All of those were well made. The arugula with shaved parmesan dressed with lemon juice had a nice refreshing flavor and made a perfect appetizer. The cassoulet, a rustic French stew of lamb, duck confit, and sausage with white bean, had a good mild flavor developed with the process of hours of simmering. To my surprise, the portion of cassoulet was very generous. I couldn't believe when the waiter brought the cassoulet in a middle-sized flying pan. It was big enough for two people. The first time I had been there, I had duck confit for my entree, it was delicious, but the portion was small. That's why the portion of cassoulet surprised me so much. At the end of the meal, I enjoyed frozen souffle. That was nice too. It was something between sorbet and ice cream in a cup topped with delicately cut extra thin candied lemon peel. It had a nice citrusy flavor with a hint of milky flavor. I always think that best place to enjoy sweets in the U.S.A is at a restaurant, not a pastry shop or a bakery because good restaurants always have outstanding pastry chefs.

Not only was their food excellent, but so was their service. Their service staff was always friendly and helpful. Also, their interior design was pretty cool. Everything they offered including food, service, and atmosphere, made my experience pleasant. There is nothing that I didn't like about L'albatros Brasserie + Bar except they don't have enough space to wait. I will repeatedly come back to this little gem in University Circle when I want to have a special treat for myself.

L'albatros Brasserie + Bar
Address: 11401 Bellflower Rd, Cleveland, OH 44106
Phone: (216) 791-7880
Hours: 11:30 AM to 11 PM (Monday to Wednesday) 11:30 AM to 12 AM (Thursday to Saturday)

Chinato is the newest restaurant owned by Zack Bruell, the owner of L'albatros Brasserie + Bar, Table 45, and Parallax. I actually hadn't had that hight expectation for Chinato because Chinato features Italian cuisine and I rarely had good food at any Italian restaurants in the U.S.A. One more reason I was about Chinato was that L'albatros Brasserie + Bar is a French restaurant. I didn't think it would be possible for a cook to pursue both French and Italian cuisine. However, their Italian dishes were actually excellent.  They far exceeded my expectations and pleasantly surprised me. I had two dishes for lunch this time, a fusilli with ragout of tongue, oxtail, red wine, and ricotta, along with a beef tongue steak with salsa verde. Both were very good. The flavor of ragout was very complex and rich. The pasta was perfectly cooked to al dente. The perfect texture of pasta and the flavorful ragout made this dish the best pasta ever I had in the U.S.A. The beef tongue was wonderful too. The salsa verde added some relish to the tongue, and the steak melted in my mouth. It was delicious. I might even like Chinato's food better than the food from L'albatros Brasserie + Bar. I should, however, mention that I hope their service will be a bit better in the future. Overall, Chinato is a great restaurant that offers wonderful Italian cuisine. I am sure I will come back to Chinato when I feel like a decent Italian dinner, which I can't make in my kitchen.

I want to let you know one more thing about the owner/chef, Zack Bruell. I actually saw Zack Bruell in front of the kitchen when I had lunch at Chinato. I also saw him when I had lunch at L'albatros Brasserie + Bar. Just by seeing him, I could feel his serious passion for offering good food. He is a busy famous chef having four restaurants, but he still shows up to conduct his kitchens for lunch. When does he sleep? When does he rest? His serious attitude toward food is the reason why he can manage multiple good restaurants. I appreciate that we have Zack Bruell here in Cleveland so we can enjoy an exciting culinary scene.

Address: 2079 East 4th Street, Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: (216) 298-9080
Hours: 11AM to 10 PM (Monday to Wednesday) 11AM to 12AM (Thursday & Friday) 4PM to 12AM (Saturday)

Lola Bistro
Lola is supposed to be the most famous restaurant in Cleveland. If you ask someone "What do you know about Cleveland," chances are you'll hear an answer like this: "There is Lola Bistro in Cleveland, the restaurant of iron chef champion, Michael Symon." This was my second visit to Lola Bistro, and I had a full course dinner. I had pork belly, beef cheek pierogi, an assortment of cured meat for appetizers, beef rib eye and smoked berkshire pork chop with fried potatoes for entree, and pauline, banana cake with caramel ice cream for dessert. (Please don't guess how many pounds I have gained over these weeks...) Let's get to the point. I thought Lola's specialty is pork, in fact, their staff proudly announced that they recommend their pork, but the best dish I and our group enjoyed that night was their rib eye steak, beef. That steak was phenomenal. The quality of the meat was so good that you could enjoy the texture and the flavor of meat of its own with a nice smokey flavor. The steak was perfectly tender and juicy. Also, the portion was generous. The steak was almost a foot long and very thick. It was cut in slices and served on a big plate. If this were in Japan, you would get a slice of it for entree for one person. If you want to taste really good steak, this is the place to go.

Because the steak was memorably good, I almost forgot everything else about Lola, but I shouldn't forget to mention one more thing. The first time I visited Lola, I had an excellent lunch. I had a grilled cheese sandwich with smoked gouda, arugula, apple, and prosciutto. All the ingredients in the sandwich were delicately balanced, and it was one of the tastiest sandwiches I have ever had. It was comparable to the sandwiches from famous delis in Paris. Also, their lemon panna cotta, which I had for dessert, was fantastic. It was delicately made with real vanilla beans and fresh lemon. This was kind of a dessert you would get at a serious pastry shop in Tokyo. I am sure that I will come back to Lola again when I am eager for a great steak. I want to bring all of my foodie friends from Tokyo and Paris to let them try this real American Style steak!

Lola Bistro
Address: 2058 East 4th Street, Cleveland, Oh 44115
Phone: (216) 621-5652
Hours: Lunch; 11:30 AM to 2:30 PM (Weekdays) Dinner; 5 PM to 10 PM (Monday to Thursday) 5 PM to 11 PM (Friday and Saturday)