Tuesday, April 12, 2011

オハイオのワイナリー/Ohio Wineries


Laurello Vineyards
Laurello Vineyardsはクリーブランドから東に約1時間程行ったところにある、エリー湖にほど近い小さなワイナリーです。テイスティングは一種類1ドル。私は白と赤から合わせて5種類を試飲しました。ワイナリーの方のおすすめはドライ・リースリング。これは意外な発見、非常に上品なおいしい白ワインでした。ニューヨークやカリフォルニアのワインと比べても決して引けを取らない高品質のワインです。軽さの中にも、爽やかな果実味があり、サラダやシーフードにぴったりなワインです。シャンパンの替わりに、食前酒としても楽しめるのではないかと思います。そしてお値段は一本12.99ドル。悪くないではありませんか。とても飲みやすいワインなので、これまでおいしいオハイオ・ワインを飲んだことが無い方に、まず試して頂きたいワインです。

Laurello Vineyards
ウェブサイト: http://www.laurellovineyards.com
住所: 4573 Sate Route 307 E, Geneva, OH 44041
電話: (440) 415-0061

Harpersfield Vineyard
今回オハイオのワイナリー巡りするきっかけになったHarpersfield Vineyardのワイン。やはりその品質に間違いはありませんでした。今回行ったワイナリーの中からもう一度を訪れるとすれば、間違いなくここHarpersfield Vineyardを選ぶと思います。今回私はシャルドネ2種、ピノ・グリ、カベルネ・フラン、Musette(赤のハウス・ブレンド)の5種類を試飲しました。どれもおいしかったのですが、是非飲んで頂きたいのはFut de Cheneというシャルドネです。樽で熟成させたフル・ボディーのシャルドネで、豊かな果実味の中に花のようなふくよかな香りと、ヴァニラのような芳香、そしてまろやかな後味の素晴らしいワインでした。気軽に食事と合わせるというよりは、特別な日に楽しんでほしいワインです。価格は22.5ドルとやや高価ですが、あの素晴らしい香り、溶けるような味わいを思うと、その価値があるのではないかと思います。ちなみにHarpersfield Vineyardの試飲は1種類1ドルでした。

Harpersfield Vineyard
ウェブサイト: http://www.harpersfield.com
住所: 6387 State Route 307 West, Geneva OH 44041
電話: (440) 466-4739

Debonne Vineyards
Debonne Vineyardsの素晴らしい点は何といってもブルーワリーが併設されていることです。女性陣がワインを楽しんでいる間、男性陣はビア!なんて、理想的ではありませんか?ワインのテイスティングルームのすぐ隣にはビールのテイスティング・ルームがあり、私はワインを3種類とビールを2種類試飲しました。そして特筆すべきはやはりビール。ブルーワリーの方に軽めのビールからひとつ、重めのビールからひとつ、特にお勧めのものを選んで頂きましたが、どちらもとてもおいしかったです。The Field Rat Wheat Beerはベルギー・ビールのような明るい色のビールで、濾過されていないため、自然な味わいで、まるで果物のような後味と上品なモルトの風味が絶妙でした。またthe Monk's Rat-Doppelbock は殆ど黒ビールに近い色で、香り高く、風味豊でありながら、重すぎず、うっすらと甘みすら感じさせる後味で、非常に飲みやすいビールでした。こんなにおいしい作り立ての地ビールがたった4ドルから楽しめるなんて、お得ではありませんか。葡萄畑を抜ける爽やかな風に吹かれながら、おいしいビールを楽しむなんて、これ以上のことはありません。天気が良い日に、ピクニックを兼ねて、ビールを目当てにまた訪れてしまうかもしれません。

Debonne Vineyards Winery & Chalet
ウェブサイト: http://www.debonne.com
住所: 7743 Doty Rd, Madison OH 44057
電話: (440) 466-3485

Cellar Rats Brewery 
ウェブサイト: http://www.ratbrew.com

The Winery at Wolf Creek
The Winery at Wolf Creekはクリーブランドから車でおよそ30分。At Creekという名前の通り、小川のほとりの高台にあり、テイスティング・ルームの大きな窓からは小川の眺めを楽しむことができます。試飲は一種類25セントで、私は白と赤合わせ8種類のワインを試飲しました。このワイナリーで圧倒的にお勧めは甘いワインです。私は普段、甘いワインは好まないのですが、ここのワイナリーのワインはおいしく頂くことができました。特にお勧めはラインナップの中でも特に甘さの際立つWhite LiesとSweet Revengeです。White Liesはやや軽く、リンゴやアプリコットのような爽やかな甘みが特徴です。イタリアのモスカートのような味わいで、チーズやフルーツ、焼き菓子などのデザートにぴったりなのではないかと思います。そしてもうひとつのSweet RevengeはWhite Liesよりも一層甘みが凝縮された、ほとんど貴腐ワインのような味わいで、それだけで十分デザートとなる上品なワインでした。White Liesは14ドル、Sweet Revenge13ドルで、どちらも驚く程手頃な値段でした。デザート・ワインがお好きな方に、是非試して頂きたいと思います。The Winery at Wolf Creekのワインはホールフーズなどでも最近よく見かけますので、ご興味がある方はクリーブランド市内でも気軽に購入できるようです。

The Winery at Wolf Creek
住所: 2637 Cleveland Massillon Rd, Norton, OH 44203
電話: (330) 666-9285


I finally visited some Ohio wineries last weekend. You might not think Ohio is a wine country, but indeed it is. In fact, Ohio has more than one hundred wineries. I often see Ohio wine here and there at supermarkets, and I has been interested, but the reason why it took me so long to make a trip to Ohio wineries is that I haven't heard a good reputation. To my surprise, the reality was that they weren't bad. Let me introduce some nice Ohio wines and wineries that I recently discovered.

Laurello Vineyards
Laureallo Vineyards was a nice small winery nearby Lake Erie. I tried five kinds of their wines. What impressive was their Dry Riesling. It had a nice refreshing flavor with a clean finish. It was delicate, yet not too restrained. It pleasantly surprised me because this wine was as good as one from renowned vineyards from California or New York. It really was a well made white wine with a moderate price. One bottle of their dry riesling was $12.99. This will make a perfect aperitif to welcome out-of-state guests. I, of course, bought it. I recommend this Dry Riesling from Laurello Vinyards if you have never had a good Ohio wine. FYI,  the tasting fee was one for a dollar.

Laurello Vineyards
Address: 4573 Sate Route 307 E, Geneva, OH 44041
Phone: (440) 415-0061

Harpersfield Vineyard
If you don't have much time and have to choose only one winery for Ohio wine experience, I would recommend Harpersfield Vineyard because their wines are outstanding. I tried 5 kinds of wine, two kinds of Chardonnay, Pinot Gris, Cabernet Franc, and Musette Red, house blend red. One of their Chardonnay, Fut de Chene, was gorgeous. It was ripe and fruity with a rich butterscotch flavor and a scent of vanilla beans. It was no doubt an excellent full bodied American Chardonnay aged in oak, that would satisfy any occasions. I am sure you would adore it. Only one thing I don't love about this wine is the price. One bottle of Fut de Chene was $22.50. A bottle of white wine more than 20 bucks is kind of expensive. I didn't buy it this time, but I regret because I still keep thinking of the wonderful taste of it, and I am thirsty for another glass of it. Considering it, I think $22.50 is worth it. I will definitely come back to buy a bottle or two. They offer samples for a dollar for one kind. You should try Fut de Chene from Harpersfield Vineyard if you really want to know the quality of good Ohio wine. I bet you would love it. 

Harpersfield Vineyard
Address: 6387 State Route 307 West, Geneva OH 44041
Phone: (440) 466-4739

Debonne Vineyards Winery & Chalet
What I actually liked about Debonne Vineyards is that they have a nice brewery on site. This is great because guys can enjoy a pint of beer while ladies enjoy a bottle of wine. I tried some wines and two kinds of beer, one from dark and the other from light, which the staff recommended. Both of the beers were very good. The Field Rat Wheat Beer from light beers was inspired by Belgian beer. It had a nice fruity flavor with a scent of orange peel. I liked the sophisticated yet natural flavor of finely made unfiltered European style beer. It wasn't too sharp nor too light. It was elegant. Also, the Monk's Rat-Doppelbock from dark beers was wonderful. It was rich full bodied dark beer with an aromatic floral scent and a hint of sweetness. I think everyone would like this unique dark beer even though someone is not familiar with dark beers. A pint of freshly brewed artisan beer was just 4 to 6 bucks. I am sure everyone will be smiley in a pleasant vineyard with such a perfect glass of beer. Cheers!

Debonne Vineyards Winery & Chalet
Address: 7743 Doty Rd, Madison OH 44057
Phone: (440) 466-3485

Cellar Rats Brewery 

The Winery at Wolf Creek
The Winery at Wolf Creek is just 30 minutes away from Cleveland while the other wineries are on Lake Erie and probably take about an hour from Cleveland. I tried 8 kinds of their wines from white and red, dry and sweet. I thought their sweet wines were excellent and reasonably priced. White Lies is one of their white sweet wine from Delaware grapes. It was delicious. I usually do not prefer sweet wines, but it had an elegant sweetness of ripe fruits, and I liked it. It almost tasted like good Moscato. I  think this wine would be great for after dinner to accompany cheese, fruits, and sweets. Also, Sweet Revenge, their other sweet wine, was very good. Sweet Revenge was even sweeter than White Lies, and it tasted almost like Ice Wine. This would make a perfect dessert wine itself. The sweetness of this wine was intense like honey with floral scents. If you are a big fan of wine, someone who starts dinner with wine and end it with wine, this will be your choice. A bottle of White Lies was $14, and Sweet Revenge was $13. I thought these were great prices because most of good sweet wines are expensive. If you are a fan of sweet wine, this winery is the way to go. Some wines from the Winery at Wolf Creek are available at the local Whole Foods Markets. 

The Winery at Wolf Creek
Address: 2637 Cleveland Massillon Rd, Norton, OH 44203
Phone: (330) 666-9285

I enjoyed varieties of good Ohio wines from whites and reds, to dry and sweets. Now I think I want to enjoy Ohio wines more to welcome my guests and indulge myself. I hope you will have a chance to try it!