Monday, April 18, 2011

より安全な卵/Safer Egg



より安全な卵とは?と不思議に思われると思うのですが、実際にそのように入れ物に書いてあります。正確にはParsteurized Shell Eggs, Davidson's Safest Choice -Made Safer...Naturally-と表示があり、丸で囲んだPのマークが目印です。ジャイアント・イーグルやマイルズ・ファーマーズ・マーケットなどで3ドル半くらいで販売されています。この卵は低温殺菌することにより、サルモネラ菌を減らしてあるそうです。生で食べて良いとはどこにも書いてありませんので、調理方法については十分考慮された上、ご本人の責任で適切に調理して頂くようお願い致します。但、私自身は完全に火を通していない卵を食べる時には、他の卵よりは安全ということで、この卵を選ぶようにしています。不安に怯える気持ちが無くなったわけではありませんが、この卵を見つけてからというもの、危険を冒す時の気持ちが少し軽くなりました。私のように不安に怯えながらも、卵を食べ続けている方がいらっしゃいましたら、是非この「より安全な卵」を試してみてはいかがでしょうか。

There are many differences between Japanese food tradition an American food tradition. One of the biggest and hardest differences for me is that I can't eat raw eggs nor dishes including partially cooked eggs such as carbonara, tiramisu, and Eggs Benedict in the States. Technically speaking, carbonara and egg benedict  exist at restaurants in the U.S.A., but they clearly say that if I got sick, it's my responsibility and they will never be responsible for the consequences. If that's the case, then I find it difficult to order such a dish and take a risk because I don't know how they cook the dishes. That said, I actually do eat partially cooked eggs at home. I made tiramisu at home several times. I double boiled the batter when I made it. I did my best carefully. Still I was worried if I would ever possibly get food poisoned. I recently found a solution for my dilemma. It's not a complete solution, but it's a great progress. The solution is to use safer eggs.

You might wonder what safer eggs are. These egg shells are pasteurized. Although the package of the eggs says "made safer" and "safest choices," I didn't find any descriptions that suggested it's OK to eat the eggs uncooked. So, please, please be careful and choose an appropriate way to cook the eggs using your own judgement and responsibility. It is better not to eat an uncooked egg. However, I sometimes can't hold my desire for half cooked eggs. Only in those cases, I have personally been using these eggs since I found them because they are a little safer and I feel a little less worried.

If someone eats regular eggs uncooked like I used to, I recommend these pasteurized shell eggs instead. You can find  these eggs at some Giant Eagle stores and Miles Farmers Market. A dozen of the eggs is about three dollars and fifty cents.