Friday, March 26, 2010

伝統的なハンガリー料理店・バラトン・レストラン / Little Hungary, Balaton Restaurant in Shaker Square


そんな雪がやって来るとは露知らぬ一昨日、Shaker Square付近のLarchmere Blvdに行って来ました。今回の目的はアンティーク・ショップ巡りだったのですが、その前にお昼を食べたお店がとても良いレストランだったので、それについて書きたいと思います。


今回私が食べたのはビーフ・グーラッシュ(Beef Goulash)。大きな牛の角切り肉をトマトとスパイスでじっくり煮込んだシチューで、一口食べると柔らかいお肉にトマトの酸味、スパイスとお肉の旨味がじんわりと口の中に広がります。そしてお皿の上にはシチューと一緒に絡めて食べるパスタのようなすいとんのようなものが付いて来ます。そう言うと少し不思議に聞こえますが、小さく柔らかな手打ちパスタとやや濃いめの味付けのシチューはまさにぴったりの組み合わせ。手間を掛けた家庭的な料理を、のんびりとした心温まるサービスを受けながら頂いていると、こんなに静かな場所がクリーブランドにあったのだなあと思います。もしかするとハンガリーに行くよりもハンガリーらしさが残っているのでは?と思う程古き良き時代の伝統を受け継ぐお店です。喧噪を忘れて旅行気分を味わいたい時や日本から友人が来た時に、是非また行ってみたいです。次は名物というウィンナー・シュニツエルを食べたてみたいと思います。


住所:13133 Shaker Square, Cleveland OH 44120
電話:(216) 921-9691

I still can't believe it snowed the day before yesterday in Cleveland. I felt somehow betrayed because I was totally in the mood for spring. Yesterday's temperature hit a low of -2° Celsius!

On the day before the snow, I was happily browsing around Larchmere Blvd in the sunshine to take a look at the antique shops in the district, not knowing it would snow right after that. The antique shops were much more interesting than I expected, but I want to write about the restaurant where I had lunch instead of the antique shops this time because it was such a wonderful restaurant that I should write about it in detail while my memory is fresh!

Balaton Restaurant is a Hungarian restaurant located in the Shaker Square. It is not that difficult to find Slavic grocery shops, bakeries, and restaurants in Cleveland, but Balaton Restaurant is special because it has a history of 46 years, and carries on its tradition until today. You can enjoy authentic Hungarian food in a traditional setting there. When you step into the restaurant, you feel as if you are in Europe. The moment you open the door, you see the elaborate handmade embroidery hanging on the white wall, just like you would find in a little nice restaurant in Europe. Their food was as genuine as I would get in a little good eatery in Europe too. I had Beef Goulash, which is a kind of beef stew simmered with tomatoes and spices. It had such a good balance of the acid of tomatoes, the flavor of beef, and the aroma of spices. The slightly salty spicy stew and the soft homemade dumplings that came with the stew made a very good combination. I enjoyed a wonderful lunch in a relaxing atmosphere at Balaton Restaurant. I even thought this restaurant could be more authentic than a Hungarian restaurant in Hungary. I want to come back to this restaurant when I feel like getting away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, or I have my friends visiting from Japan to give them a chance to taste authentic Slavic cuisine.

Address: 13133 Shaker Square, Cleveland OH 44120
Phone: (216) 921-9691