Tuesday, August 16, 2011

食い倒れ?シカゴ旅行 / What you should eat in Chicago!


クリーブランドに住んでいて、恋しく思うもの、それは繊細なお料理やお菓子です。飛び切り新鮮なお野菜やお肉、素朴でおいしい食べ物はたくさんありますが、洗練されたものを探すのは一苦労。そんな日頃の欲求を、シカゴの人気レストランBlackbird が存分に満たしてくれました。シカゴはアメリカの第三の都市で、アメリカはもちろん、世界のレストラン・ランキングに名を連ねる名店がいくつもあります。今回 Blackbird を選んだ理由は、レビューの評価が非常に高かったこと、値段が手頃だったこと、ニューヨーク・タイムスとシカゴ・トリビューンの2紙が最近記事を書いたことなどが決め手になりました。そして、結果は大成功!


Website: http://www.blackbirdrestaurant.com/
Address: 619 W. Randolph, Chicago IL 60661
Phone: (312) 715-0708


Tensuke Market
Address: 3 S. Arlington Hts Rd, Elk Grove Village IL 60007
Phone: (847) 806-1200


今回お目当てのお店は名門ノース・ウェスタン大学のお膝元、エバンストン市にある、Edzo's Burger Shop。そもそもお店のオーナーは国内外の有名レストランで活躍していましたが、ハンバーガー一本に絞って自らの店を開いたという経歴の持ち主です。メニューは至ってシンプルで、ハンバーガー、ポテト・フライの他はソーダ、シェーク、ホット・ドックしかありません。素晴らしい心意気ではないですか、ハンバーガーを追求するこの潔さ!ハンバーガーは2種類あり、薄めのハンバーグをこんがり焼いた グリドルド・バーガーとぶ厚いハンバーグを好みの焼き加減に仕上げてくれるチャー・バーガーがあります。私はチャー・バーガーにチェダー・チーズをトッピングし、ポテト・フライとヌテラ・シェーク(ご存知の方も多いと思いますが、ヌテラはチョコレートとヘーゼルナッツ・ペースとを合わせたイタリアのスプレッドです。危険なおいしさです。)を注文しました。肉を追加料金でアップ・グレードすることができますが、今回は標準のお肉を選びました。運ばれて来たバーガーは見るからにおいしそう!一口頬張ると、しっかりと焼き上げたハンバーグからジューシーな肉汁が滴り落ちて来ます。夢中で食べました。フライも脂っこさがまるで無く、ジャガイモの自然なおいしがを味わえる、カリッした仕上がりです。そしてシェークも優しい味わいで、いくらでも飲めてしまいます。ハンバーガーがおいしいと言われるお店は、肉だけにこだわることも多いのですが、Edzo's Burger Shopはハンバーガー、ポテト・フライ、シェークのどれをとっても合格点以上でした。とても総合力が高いお店です。個人的にはレア気味のハンバーガーが好きなので、次回来る時は肉をアップグレードして、もっとレアに焼いてもらおうと思います。また、ポテト・フライの塩が少々きつめだったので、次回は控えてもらうよう、お願いしようと思っています。食べた瞬間に次に来ることを考えてしまう、そんなお店でした!こんなハンバーガー屋さんが家の近くにあったら、どんなにいいことか。いや、遠い方が自分の体にはいいかもしれません。とにかく大満足のハンバーガー・ショップでした。次回シカゴに行く時も、必ず寄るだろうと思います。

Edzo's Burger Shop
Website: http://edzos.com/
Address: 1571 Sherman Ave, Evanston, IL 60201
Phone: (847) 864-3396

長くなりましたが、最後にもう一つ。シカゴ名物のGarrett Gourmet Popcornを忘れてはいけません。初めはたかがポップコーン?と高を括っていましたが、侮ってはいけません。これを食べずして、シカゴを語ることなかれ。病み付きになるおいしさです。アメリカのテレビ番組の人気者Oprahのお気に入りのおやつで、言ってみれば、「はままるマーケット」の「おめざ」のようなものとして有名ですが、フランスで活躍する有名なパティシエから、グルメな友人まで一同に口を揃えて、シカゴに行ったら絶対に食べるというではありませんか。もちろん食べました。そして、食べて納得。アメリカにポップ・コーンを売る店は星の数程ありますが、不動の人気を誇る理由がわかります。私が食べたのは一番人気のシカゴ・ミックスで、何とチーズ味とキャラメル味のポップ・コーンを半々に混ぜてあります。信じられない組み合わせですが、これがおいしい。言ってみれば、ポテト・チップスを食べた後にチョコレートを食べてしまうように、しょっぱいものと甘いものを見事に組み合わせてありました。組み合わせだけではなく、ポップ・コーン自体にもおいしさの秘密があるようにおもいます。何が特別かと言われると難しいのですが、味といい軽いカリッとした食感といい絶妙で、一度食べ始めたら、途中で手を止めることはもう不可能です。今回は一番小さな袋を買いましたが、とても後悔しました。でも、それで良かったのかもしれません。シカゴ市内の目抜き通りの他、空港や駅にも支店がありますので、シカゴ市内に立ち寄ることができなくても、電車や飛行機の乗り換えの合間に魔性のおいしさを体験することができます。

Garrett Gourmet Popcorn
Website: http://www.garrettpopcorn.com/
Address: 市内に数店舗
Phone: (888) 476-7267

Hello! I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful season. I visited Chicago on vacation and enjoyed a lot of wonderful food. I discovered many good restaurants I have never explored! I want to write about great places to eat in Chicago today.

I had a lot of excellent food during this trip. It's difficult to say which was the best, but dining at Blackbird was definitely one of the finest experiences I have ever had in Chicago. Blackbird is a nice small restaurant, which has a great reputation among Chicagonians. I had a lunch pre-fix. It was a three course menu, and each one of the dishes was very good. The first course was green soup with grapefruit and smoked trout. The texture of soup was airy and light, yet a hint of cream added richness to it. The chef also combined grapefruit and trout to make unexpectedly tasty relish. The second course was sauteed sturgeon. The white fish was perfectly grilled. I savored the delicate flavor of the white fish and the contrast of the crispy skin and the fluffy meat. Finally, the third and final course was mini parfait. little squares of ice cream were stacked like a tower and decorated with cotton candy. It was tiny, but very pretty and tasty. Everything I experienced at Blackbird was sophisticated. I liked all of their food, service, and atmosphere. Surprisingly, it was inexpensive. The three course lunch pre-fix menu was only twenty two dollars. The portion was small, but it worked perfect for me. I definitely recommend Blackbird if someone wants sophisticated food for a reasonable price. Incidentally, dinner menus are more expensive than lunch menus.

Address: 619 W. Randolph, Chicago IL 60661
Phone: (312) 715-0708

Another thing that excited me in Chicago was fresh sushi from Tensuke Market. It's very difficult to find good sushi in Cleveland, but Chicago has Tensuke Market, which has excellent sushi! I ordered a special set available from Monday to Thursday until 7 PM. For twenty three dollars, you can choose fifteen kinds of nigiri and three kinds of roll from choices. I had ikura, uni, scallop, tuna etc. They all looked fresh and tasted great. This sushi plate had the best value I have ever met in the U.S.A. This small eatery is great not only for sushi, but also for other Japanese food. They offer many set menus for a reasonable price. I went for sushi this time because I had a craving for fresh sushi, but I want to come back to try their other dinner menus. If you are not satisfied with the food court in Mitsuwa Market, this place is worth checking.

Tensuke Market
Address: 3 S. Arlington Hts Rd, Elk Grove Village IL 60007
Phone: (847) 806-1200

One more thing I really enjoyed in Chicago was a great burger. I won't hesitate to call myself a burger connoisseur. I have traveled all the way to a legendary burger shop in a suburb of San Francisco, talked-about famous burgers shops in Manhattan, and a burger place in the D.C. area, where President Obama visited with Vice President Joe Biden. These are just a few examples of the depth of my passion for burgers. Ever since I had a burger at Corner Bistro in NYC two years ago, I have been looking for another discovery, but I finally found it in Evanston, a small college town nearby Chicago. 

Edzo's Burger Shop was really a wonderful burger place. Their burger was delicious, their price was good, and their service was heartwarming. The owner of Edzo's Burger Shop worked many up-scale restaurants in Europe and the U.S.A.. After all the training, he decided to open his own burger shop to pursuit his passion for meat and make it to home to have dinner with his family everyday. So, Edzo's Burger Shop closes as early as 4 PM.

There is a reason why they can make superb burgers. They only use freshly ground meat and cook them to fit your taste. They offer two kinds of burgers: the "Griddled Burger" which has a thin patty cooked crispy on the griddle, and the "Char Burger", which has thick and juicy patties char-grilled as you like. I ordered a char grilled burger with cheddar cheese, fries, and a nutella shake. Everything was very good. Their char grilled burger was thick and juicy as they say. Also, their fries were crispy and crunchy. This is very important because it's difficult to find a place that has both good burgers and fries. The nutella shake was memorably good. It's pretty difficult to make a bad nutella shake, but even so this shake had a perfect balance of nutella and milk. It was mild and milky. It is amazing that they offer these perfect American favorites for very reasonable prices. For example, a char burger was only $5.79. If you order this kind of gourmet burger at a restaurant, you would pay around $15. A small fries was $1.49, and a nutella shake, which is enough for two, was $4. You can't beat it.

I am sure Edzo's Burger Shop puts a smile on anyone who loves burgers. I will come back to Edzo Burger Shop to try their upgrade beef patties and truffle fries even though it's 6 hours away from my place!

Edzo's Burger Shop
Address: 1571 Sherman Ave, Evanston, IL 60201
Phone: (847) 864-3396

I know I already wrote a lot about Chicago, but I really should let you know about Garrett Gourmet Popcorn. Garrett Gourmet Popcorn is a Chicago institute. It's one of the icons of Chicago. My first thought when I heard of this was "popcorn is popcorn, what's the big deal?" but that thinking was a huge mistake! From Oprah to my foodie friends, everyone says their popcorn is a must try item. So, I did. It was seriously addictive! I had a bag of their famous Chicago mix. It's basically a mix of caramel and cheese popcorn. You might think it's a wired combination, but it somehow satisfies your desire for sweet things after salty snacks and visa versa. This make you keep eating their popcorn forever. This endless cycle pushes you until you finish up a bag. This popcorn was very dangerous. When I ate it all, I regretted that I bought a small bag, but perhaps, it was good for me. I know I will never fail to visit Garrett Gourmet Popcorn whenever I go to Chicago in the future. I think I don't even need to remember to buy it. I am pretty sure my feet will automatically move me toward Garrett Gourmet Popcorn when I am in Chicago like a conditional response. 

Garrett Gourmet Popcorn
Address: Eight branches in the Chicago area
Phone: (888) 476-7267